Daemons of the Shadow Realm, Vol. 4

Daemons of the Shadow Realm, Vol. 4 by Hiromu Arakawa
Series Name: Daemons of the Shadow Realm
Genres: Action, Adventure, Supernatural
Intended Age Group: Older Teen
Publisher: Square Enix
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-64609-259-8
Rating: 3/5
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Description from the Book

Dera suddenly arrives at the manor, as if to interrupt Yuru’s somber thoughts about Asa’s past. Though a tense debate about the twins unfolds, it’s Yuru who has the last word: a brash declaration to all hostiles! As he leaves the Kagemoris behind for Dera’s secret lair, however, a vicious pair of Daemons lies in wait. Right and Left must take on a primal evil to keep their master alive!

Personal & Info

I feel like maybe I should have read volume three fresh before starting this one, but my reading gap wasn’t as far apart as some of my other ones, so I think it’s fine. When I picked it up to get started I couldn’t help feeling like it was just so small, and that makes me disappointed that I have to wait for the next volume to release. At least August is not that far off compared to some of the longer waits I’ve experienced with other manga.


Yuru is the older male twin of the two main characters. He has great hunting skills and a helpful nature.

Asa is the younger female twin of the two main characters. She is Yuru’s younger sister, and she seems to adore her brother with an unusual intensity.

Gabby is Asa’s best friend and bodyguard.

Ryuu Tadera, who goes by Dera, is a seer. This means he can see Daemons. He is half of the Higashi Village retainer pair, and he acts as supply runner and liaison. He is currently posing as Yuru’s father and guardian.

Hana Danno is Dera’s partner, the other half of the Higashi Village retainer pair. She’s also a seer, but she’s never been to the village. When Dera goes up to the village, she usually waits somewhere outside as his transportation. She’s currently masquerading as Yuru’s step mother.

Ken Tadera is a new character introduced in this volume. He’s thirteen, and obviously related to Ryuu Tadera.

Jin Kagemori is the youngest of the three Kagemori brothers. He’s a high rank in the family organization in which Asa chooses to reside. His current goal is to try to recruit Yuru willingly.

Divine Guardians Left and Right are the most important daemon characters with ongoing appearances. Yuru is their master and they rarely ever leave his side. They are made of stone, and their abilities are intended to be direct counters to Break and Seal.

Story & Thoughts

I wasn’t entirely in the mood to read this when I started, so it’s possible this might deserve a higher score than what I’m giving it. It starts with the imminent fight volume three sets up, with the Daemon pair Tenaga-Ashinaga, also known as Long-Arm and Long-Leg. The fight takes up a good chunk of the book, but once it’s over, the story turns in a plot building direction.

A few new characters appear, some foreboding, others beneficial. We get some info dumps, and detective work, to find out even more information. Who can they talk to who might know where the Tadera head and Yuru’s parents went? How did people get into the compound through a gate that doesn’t exist? These are the main questions everybody is trying to answer.

We don’t really learn much, but we do get some new plot hooks. It seems the village is not yet done being tormented, and Yuru or Asa might have some rescuing to do later. I would guess Yuru, since he is the one who currently has the freedom to do what he wants.

Despite this being the lowest rating I’ve given any volume, so far, I still enjoyed it. I love the characters. Their personalities are so distinct from each other, and the comedy of their actions is so well placed. I’m also just a huge fan of Hiromu Arakawa’s portrayal of facial expressions. The story has so much to build on at this point, and I am excited to see what happens.

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