Dick Fight Island, Vol. 2

Dick Fight Island, Vol. 2 by Reibun Ike
Series Name: Dick Fight Island
Genres: BL, Comedy, Erotica, Romance
Intended Age Group: Mature
Publisher: SuBlime/Libre
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-9747-2655-4
Rating: 5/5
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Description from the Book

Matthew is studying at a prestigious college, and his new roommate, Harto, is almost too much to take. Harto hails from the mysterious Pulau Yang Indah and grew up with strange island cultural practices involving…well, the butt. Matthew does his best to shield his new roommate from teasing before it devolves into actual sexual harassment, and Harto isn’t unmoved by Matthew’s kindness – in fact, just thinking of him can bring him to orgasm. But these new developments terrify him too. As his clan’s chosen warrior, he can’t risk growing weak. Will he be forced to choose between his new love and the clan that raised him?

Personal & Info

The first book is really good, so of course I had to get the second one. It does not disappoint. It’s unfortunate the series only has two volumes.

This book shares the same type of censorship as the first. The gray/black bar that does not cover much and seems to be used inconsistently.


Harto is the main character. He’s from the jewel clan, and he attends college abroad. Matthew is his roommate.

Matthew Manami is Harto’s roommate from college abroad.

Pisau is from the sun clan. He usually trains for the tournament with Yudha, but their relationship is developing more than that.

Roro is chief of the earth clan.

Yudha is from the warrior clan. He usually trains for the tournament with Pisau, but their relationship is developing more than that. He expressed the desire to move in with him during the events of the tournament.

Taring is the son of the leader of the matrilineal fang clan. His involvement in everything is insignificant.

Naga is from the dragon clan. He has history with Vampir regarding his eye.

Vampir is from the healer clan. He has shaman powers, and he tends to get a little intense.

Bulan is from the moon clan. The moon clan is in the northernmost island, and the members tend to be known for their beauty. He is crazy about Roro.

Safir is the chief of the jewel clan. He currently rules as co-king with Rej.

Rej is the chief of the healer clan and rules as co-king with Safir.

Story & Thoughts

This volume starts off with the prequel story of Harto and Metthew’s relationship. There is a little of that in volume one, but this is an expanded version. It shows what their lives living together are like at college before the tournament. It covers their growing pains as friends from different cultures, and how their relationship goes from friends to something more romantic.

After that the story jumps forward to after the events of the tournament. It addresses all the couples formed as a result of the tournament. We see how they are doing, and what progress they have made in their relationships.

Much like the first book, this one is sweet and funny. Even the stories for the characters I don’t like as much are enjoyable to read. Surprisingly, though, this volume actually has a lot more “action” than the first. There is no tournament in this one, but there is more erotic content than there was in the competition.

I think Taring got cheated in both books. In the first one, he is out in what is basically a preliminary match. In this one, he only gets a few pages. His love story is also a bit of a let down, and probably one of the only truly creepy ones in the series.