Envy (Fallen Angels #3)

Envy by J.R. Ward
Series Name: Fallen Angels
Genres: Angels, Contemporary, Demons, Erotica, Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Urban
Intended Age Group: Adult
Publisher: Signet/Penguin Group (USA)
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-451-22945-8
Rating: 3.5/5
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Description from the Book

As the son of a serial killer, homicide detective Thomas “Veck” DelVeccio, Jr., grew up in the shadow of evil. Now, on the knife-edge between civic duty and blind retribution, he atones for the sins of his father – while fighting his inner demons. Assigned to monitor Veck is Internal Affairs officer Sophia Reilly, whose interest in him is both professional and arousingly personal. And Veck and Sophia have another link: Jim Heron, a mysterious stranger with too many answers…to questions that are deadly. When Veck and Sophia are drawn into the ultimate battle between good and evil, their fallen angel savior is the only thing that stands between them and eternal damnation.

Personal & Info

I’m giving this book a small rating boost to be fair, since my reading frequency of it was erratic, so it took me longer to finish than normal. It’s nothing against the book, just life stuff getting in the way. It holds my attention just fine.

Reminder, I’m reading these in tandem with the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by publication date, because that’s what was recommended to me. They will be shelved this way in the index. I’m glad I’m reading them this way, because Veck is actually introduced in Lover Unleashed (#9). Envy picks up literally right where that book leaves off with Veck.


Jim Heron is obviously in every book since he’s the main character.

Veck is the soul to be saved.

Sophia Reilly is the love interest.

Adrian and Eddie retain their roles as Jim’s angel assistants here, as with the previous books.

Devina, obviously important since she is Jim’s rival.

Story & Thoughts

I like reading about Veck. He’s similar to Butch (from the BDB) in that he is a loose cannon cop, but they also have their differences. Veck’s father is an incarcerated serial killer, and he is terrified of becoming like him. He’s terrified that he might so much as have the potential to be like him.

Jim’s group seems to do very little. They appear to be trying different approaches. In this book, nobody is even sure Jim is real. I guess you could say he plays up the angel aspect of things. He leaves no footprints and doesn’t seem to exist. They have a history of good results when they are more involved in things, so I find this approach surprising.

I don’t agree with how the romance plays out. It feels forced to me. Veck and Sophia constantly say, “we won’t do this,” and almost immediately do exactly that. It seems more like lust and lack of self control than anything. I don’t like how easily manipulated Sophia is, either. It’s like she is looking for a reason the whole time.

Get ready for some heartbreak. Something tragic happens in this volume.

Overall, I like the story, and I’m curious to see if it’s going to affect anything in the BDB series since Veck first appeared there. It probably won’t, but you never know.

Trigger Warnings

Sexual themes and violence are the main ones for this series. Maybe torture, too. I can’t remember if there are others.