

Welcome to my blog! You can call me Ari.

Obviously, I love to read. Manga, light novels, novels, all of it, as long as it’s fiction. If it doesn’t have something paranormal in it, it’s probably hit or miss with me. This all makes sense when you take into account I’m a genuine nerd. I play video games and D&D on the side, and hope to get back into art someday, too.

The Blog:

I enjoy reviewing and talking about books, so I thought it would be a good idea to try making a blog for it. I’ll admit, I have pretty much no idea what I’m doing, so it will probably be a bit rough around the edges for a while. Constructive criticism is appreciated, but keep it friendly.


All reviews are honest, based on my own personal opinions. I receive no payment/compensation in exchange for my reviews. All reviews contain a picture of the cover, general edition and publisher information, the publisher synopsis, and a rating.

Rating System:

Books will be rated on a scale of 1-5. The standards for the types of book are a little different. For example, manga have slightly different criteria for getting scored as a four or a five compared to a regular novel. Here is a general gist of the basics for the system:

1 = I did not like it, or I chose to abandon the book. I will clarify which, why, and tell what I did not like about it.
2 = It was okay, as in tolerable, or something I may never want to read again.
3 = I liked it. It was average, or possibly mediocre.
4 = I really liked it. It made my heart pound, kept me on the edge of my seat, made me feel emotions while reading it, or I found it relatable or unique in some way.
5 = It was amazing. I loved it.

Half scores are included, and will be rounded down. (D&D logic. lol)


I will be open to taking book suggestions at a later time, however, when I do, I reserve the right to decline any suggestion.