Rapture (Fallen Angels #4)

Rapture by J.R. Ward
Series Name: Fallen Angels
Genres: Angels, Contemporary, Demons, Erotica, Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Urban
Intended Age Group: Adult
Publisher: Signet/Penguin Group (USA)
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-451-41479-3
Rating: 3.5/5
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Description from the Book

Mels Carmichael, reporter for the Caldwell Courier Journal, gets the shock of her life when a man stumbles in front of her car outside the local cemetery. After the accident, his amnesia is just the kind of mystery she likes to solve, but she soon discovers they’re in over their heads with his past. Over their heads with passion too. As shadows walk the line between reality and another realm, and her lover’s memory begins to come back, the two of them learn that nothing is truly dead and buried. Especially when you’re trapped in a no-holds-barred war between angels and demons. With a soul on the line, and Mels’s heart at risk, what in Heaven – or in Hell- will it take to save them both?

Personal & Info

This is the most recent volume in this series I’ve read. After this one, the reviews will be posted as I read them, so the content will be more fresh in my mind. I believe I finished this one in July, so it’s not that far back.

Reminder, I’m reading these in tandem with the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by publication date, because that is recommended. They will be shelved this way in the index.

I’m keeping an eye out for any cross-overs with the Black Dagger Brotherhood, and there are a variety of things in this one. They are mostly small nods toward people and events. These are the ones I noticed:
-The farmhouse massacre is mentioned.
-Beth is mentioned at her previous work place.
-There is a brief implication of the Band of Bastards walking down the street.


Jim Heron, as usual.

Matthias is the soul to save. This is not a spoiler, because the context is intended to be vague, but the story heavily hints at him, and you learn fast who it is.

Mels is the love interest.

Adrian, Jim’s only angel assistant. If you’re wondering where Eddie is, you shouldn’t be here. Go read Envy, or whatever other volume you’re at. Adrian has a lot of character growth over this book and the couple before it. I didn’t like him in volume one, but now I think he is potentially my favorite character in this series.

Devina, also as usual.

Story & Thoughts

My thoughts at the start: I am not fond of Matthias. I can’t bring myself to care. I don’t think I will like this volume.

This is the kind of book I have to read slowly, one or two chapters at a time. Initially, I don’t like Matthias, so my prediction is I won’t like the story. I go into this expecting disappointment, and planning to read through it just to be able to get to the next book.

In the end, I find myself pleasantly surprised. As the story goes on, I get more sucked into it, and I grow to like Matthias. I didn’t think I’d ever like his character.

Story-wise, I think Matthias has an unfair advantage. He can remember what it is like to be in Devina’s wall, so he knows what awaits him if he doesn’t change and make the right choices. I suppose it’s not completely unfair, though, because Devina, knows him well, and knows how to manipulate him.

For a brief time, I thought Matthias might join the war. They have bounced around the idea of recruiting before, and his actions made me think, maybe.

I can’t say I agree with Jim’s final decision of the volume. It’s reckless and risky, but it could very well get rid of his primary distraction to make the rest of the game easier. Only time will tell if this is a wise choice.

There are some significant reveals, especially toward the end. We learn more about the mysterious creator.

Both this book and Lover Reborn address the after life. If you read them by publication, they are next to each other, and both point out that everyone’s afterlife, or hell, looks different. You can draw your own conclusions on what that means. I find it interesting they have the same theme and similar timing.

Trigger Warnings

Sexual themes and violence are the main ones for this series. Maybe torture, too. I can’t remember if there are others.