Spice & Wolf, Vol. 10 (LN)

Spice & Wolf, Vol. 10 by Isuna Hasekura
Series Name: Spice & Wolf (Light Novel)
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Commerce
Intended Age Group: 15+
Publisher: Yen On/Yen Press
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-316-32236-2
Rating: 3/5
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Description from the Book

After the turmoil in Kerube, Lawrence and his companions make for the kingdom of Winfiel across the sea. Their destination is the great abbey of Brondel, said to hold the wolf bones they seek. Arriving in the kingdom, they hear tell that the abbey, normally prosperous due to its great wool trade, has fallen into a financial crisis. Worse, the most powerful economic force in the world—the Ruvik Alliance—is entering the kingdom with its eye upon the abbey’s land holdings…

Personal & Info

It’s been a while since I circled back around to this series. I don’t remember how the events of volume nine concluded, but I do remember the majority of the significant parts. This book gives a few refreshers about those events, so that helped jog my memory a bit.


I don’t remember why, but something in the previous volume led me to believe Holo would have reason to be cross with Lawrence. I guess I was mistaken, because she has no lingering anger toward him. Lawrence is set on doing things by himself, so Holo takes a back seat for this one. She actually stays behind at their lodgings frequently, and only gives small indications of moral support or implied guidance when she’s present for negotiations. Lawrence seems to make progress in being honest with himself about his feelings, but he still doesn’t voice any of them.

Col doesn’t seem to have much to do. He’s just kind of around. He doesn’t seem to like some of Lawrence’s more blunt opinions on things.

Huskins is a shepherd. He tends to the Abbey’s vast quantity of sheep. The role he plays in the story is interesting.

Piasky is a face character of the Ruvik Alliance. Lawrence goes to him for pretty much everything. He’s also one of the few characters who can make Lawrence jealous because of what Holo thinks. There’s no problem of a crush like before, though. This one is more of a situation of Holo possibly thinking he is more admirable and capable than Lawrence.

Story & Thoughts

Lawrence’s group has left Kerube. They are following the rumor of the wolf bones to Winfiel, armed only with letters of support from Lud Kieman and Eve Bolan. This is the last journey Holo and Lawrence can currently use as an excuse to stay together, while neither of them is willing to be honest about their feelings.

Our group of travelers has uncanny luck for stumbling into interesting economic situations. They have no intention of getting involved, but of course, they never have a choice in the end. They always get involved.

The story for this one is a bit dull compared to some of the others. There’s a lot of information gathering, and then when things get serious, it feels more like a game of chess than their usual business dealings. I don’t think they make any profit from this trip, either. It’s more like they choose to do a good deed because it aligns with their morals and what they are after.

Honestly, I’m not satisfied with the ending. Lawrence is more honest with himself about how important Holo is to him, but he never says anything about it. Additionally, the group never discusses what they plan to do after their dealings with the wolf bones. I think it’s just assumed that he will go with her to Yoitsu as promised, but if that’s the case, why is he so worried about her running off without him for the duration of the book? He insists on handling everything himself so that she won’t have any excuse to leave. Maybe that’s just paranoia on his part.

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