Spice & Wolf, Vol. 3 (LN)

Spice & Wolf, Vol. 3 by Isuna Hasekura
Series Name: Spice & Wolf (Light Novel)
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Commerce
Intended Age Group: 15 & up
Publisher: Yen On/Yen Press
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-7595-3107-9
Rating: 4/5
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Description from the Book

Having narrowly escaped financial ruin, Lawrence turns his attention to helping Holo find her ancient homeland in the North. But how long can a traveling merchant afford to wander the countryside looking for a village that he suspects may have ceased to exist long ago? When a rival merchant sets his sights on Lawrence’s beautiful companion, though, can Lawrence truly be confident that Holo will remain by his side? Has the time come when Lawrence must ask himself whether his relationship with the Wisewolf is business or pleasure?

Personal & Info

I read this one almost two months ago as of typing this. This review catches me up on where I’m at in the series. I’ll be circling around to volume 4 soon.


It’s been a few weeks now(one week since volume 2) since Lawrence met Holo. By now, Lawrence is confident in his ability to read Holo and trusts her implicitly. However, that gets put to the test in this volume.

I get the impression Holo’s personality makes communication difficult. Despite trying to learn how to read Holo since day one, Lawrence can’t always be sure when she’s serious, or how to interpret her intent. She often says the opposite of what she means, but that’s not always reliable either. He can’t speak outright with her, because in most cases, she would mock him. It makes for good banter, but I don’t think it makes for a healthy relationship. Despite this, I’m interested in seeing how their relationship progresses.

Story & Thoughts

I can safely say I love the series, so far, and I plan to continue reading it for as long as I can.

This volume has the same structure as the first two, as expected. I also noticed a running theme of something being a potential risk for causing Holo to leave in each. That might get old fast. I can excuse it for the first few, because Lawrence and Holo are still figuring out their compatibility, but I hope it’s not a constant as the series goes on.

Holo has an admirer. It was bound to happen eventually. She’s constantly described as pretty, and she always draws attention. This, as well as a series of interactions between Holo and Lawrence, lead to some hefty tension and drama.

A large chunk of the story for this volume hinges on Lawrence making decisions without Holo’s assistance. It was interesting to see how he handled himself after relying on her for weeks. She’d clearly become a crutch for him, so something even as simple as bouncing ideas off her, and suddenly being unable to, was a huge change. It gives his character growth a chance to shine as he is tested with an important business deal. He even uses some previous experience with blunders to his advantage, which makes me happy.

This one was a nail-baiter right up until the end. I think it picked up quicker than the first two, and held the tension longer. There was no gradual resolution. I literally had no idea if things would work out until the end of the last chapter.