Spice & Wolf, Vol. 6 (LN)

Spice & Wolf, Vol. 6 by Isuna Hasekura
Series Name: Spice & Wolf (Light Novel)
Genres: Adventure, Commerce, Fantasy, Romance
Intended Age Group: 15+
Publisher: Yen On/Yen Press
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-7595-3111-6
Rating: 4/5
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Description from the Book

As Holo and Lawrence begin the final leg of their journey, Lawrence decides to accompany Holo to her ancient home of Yoitsu, if only to forestall their parting just a bit longer. Boarding a ship from the port of Lenos (much to the chagrin of the wise wolf, who is none too fond of water!), the pair’s fate becomes entangled with that of a boy named Col, whose tale of his circumstances – combined with the gossip of the sailors – leads to a shocking revelation about Holo’s homeland!

Personal & Info

It took a couple months to circle back around to this. My reading schedule is still a mess. I’ve been busy over the holidays, and my birthday followed shorty after, so I’ve been reading a lot of manga to make things easier lately. If I’d known this picks up immediately after the previous volume, I probably would have tried to read it sooner.


This book picks up almost immediately after the events of volume five. Holo and Lawrence experience a lot of awkwardness as their future of traveling together has an unknown timer placed on it. In the previous book they promise to part with smiles, so for a significant portion of this one, it seems like they are uncomfortable expressing happiness, until they decide it’s better to enjoy what little time they might have left.

Col is a twelve or thirteen year old boy who has fallen on bad times. He is smart for his age, and Holo seems to want Lawrence to take him on as an apprentice. If I’m being honest, his entry in this volume is part of why I’m rating it a four.

I got excited when Col appeared in the story. There is a spin-off sequel series called Wolf & Parchment. I recognized his name from the description there, as well as his hair color from the cover of that and the preview pages of this book. I’m curious to see where things go with this character.

Story & Thoughts

The description is not entirely accurate. They are not yet going to Yoitsu. Instead, they are pursuing their double crossing business partner. Lawrence doesn’t seem invested in it, but Holo seems to insist, so he goes along with it so they won’t have to part ways so soon. They board a boat for this purpose, to follow Eve down the river. At no point in this volume does actual travel to Yoitsu occur.

There is no business opportunity in this volume. However, it seems something for later might be in the works. Lawrence puzzles over some documents regarding a trading company that lines up with their destination of Kerube. I imagine whatever answer comes from this will apply once they are in the area to do something about it.

Lawrence is generally made to be the fool multiple times. He and Holo have a spat and everyone seems to know what the issue is except him. Same goes for figuring out the puzzle with the documents. While we are not told the answer, it is obvious both Holo and Col know, but neither will tell Lawrence.

As Holo and Lawrence meet a new traveling companion, we get to see a new side of Holo. We don’t usually get to see her sweet and caring side, but it shows often here. She seems to get more compassionate and maternal around Col, and at some point makes it known she likes children.

The theme of Holo potentially leaving is getting old. It’s in almost every book, and has become an ongoing will she or won’t she aspect of the story. She made her reasons why clear, but she’s obviously torn about her own convictions in the matter.