Daemons of the Shadow Realm, Vol. 4

Daemons of the Shadow Realm, Vol. 4 by Hiromu Arakawa
Series Name: Daemons of the Shadow Realm
Genres: Action, Adventure, Supernatural
Intended Age Group: Older Teen
Publisher: Square Enix
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-64609-259-8
Rating: 3/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble Crunchyroll ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

Dera suddenly arrives at the manor, as if to interrupt Yuru’s somber thoughts about Asa’s past. Though a tense debate about the twins unfolds, it’s Yuru who has the last word: a brash declaration to all hostiles! As he leaves the Kagemoris behind for Dera’s secret lair, however, a vicious pair of Daemons lies in wait. Right and Left must take on a primal evil to keep their master alive!

Personal & Info

I feel like maybe I should have read volume three fresh before starting this one, but my reading gap wasn’t as far apart as some of my other ones, so I think it’s fine. When I picked it up to get started I couldn’t help feeling like it was just so small, and that makes me disappointed that I have to wait for the next volume to release. At least August is not that far off compared to some of the longer waits I’ve experienced with other manga.


Yuru is the older male twin of the two main characters. He has great hunting skills and a helpful nature.

Asa is the younger female twin of the two main characters. She is Yuru’s younger sister, and she seems to adore her brother with an unusual intensity.

Gabby is Asa’s best friend and bodyguard.

Ryuu Tadera, who goes by Dera, is a seer. This means he can see Daemons. He is half of the Higashi Village retainer pair, and he acts as supply runner and liaison. He is currently posing as Yuru’s father and guardian.

Hana Danno is Dera’s partner, the other half of the Higashi Village retainer pair. She’s also a seer, but she’s never been to the village. When Dera goes up to the village, she usually waits somewhere outside as his transportation. She’s currently masquerading as Yuru’s step mother.

Ken Tadera is a new character introduced in this volume. He’s thirteen, and obviously related to Ryuu Tadera.

Jin Kagemori is the youngest of the three Kagemori brothers. He’s a high rank in the family organization in which Asa chooses to reside. His current goal is to try to recruit Yuru willingly.

Divine Guardians Left and Right are the most important daemon characters with ongoing appearances. Yuru is their master and they rarely ever leave his side. They are made of stone, and their abilities are intended to be direct counters to Break and Seal.

Story & Thoughts

I wasn’t entirely in the mood to read this when I started, so it’s possible this might deserve a higher score than what I’m giving it. It starts with the imminent fight volume three sets up, with the Daemon pair Tenaga-Ashinaga, also known as Long-Arm and Long-Leg. The fight takes up a good chunk of the book, but once it’s over, the story turns in a plot building direction.

A few new characters appear, some foreboding, others beneficial. We get some info dumps, and detective work, to find out even more information. Who can they talk to who might know where the Tadera head and Yuru’s parents went? How did people get into the compound through a gate that doesn’t exist? These are the main questions everybody is trying to answer.

We don’t really learn much, but we do get some new plot hooks. It seems the village is not yet done being tormented, and Yuru or Asa might have some rescuing to do later. I would guess Yuru, since he is the one who currently has the freedom to do what he wants.

Despite this being the lowest rating I’ve given any volume, so far, I still enjoyed it. I love the characters. Their personalities are so distinct from each other, and the comedy of their actions is so well placed. I’m also just a huge fan of Hiromu Arakawa’s portrayal of facial expressions. The story has so much to build on at this point, and I am excited to see what happens.

Manga Haul March-April 2024


I didn’t get enough manga to have a haul in March, so this haul is for both March and April. It’s a mix of things bought from Amazon and a local store. All of them are in new condition.

The Apothecary Diaries, Vol. 11

I highly recommend this series. It’s one of my favorites. I keep up with it pretty closely, so reviews for the volumes can be found in the index section. The review for this volume is already available.

Recently, I watched the new anime for the series. It’s accurate to the manga, except for some word choices and leaving out a few details that don’t change the story. The anime also does a better job generally expressing the emotions the characters are feeling. So, if you like the manga, or would rather watch a show than read, you can watch the anime without losing anything from the story. No adaptation is ever perfect, but this is definitely one of the better ones.

What is it?

A Chinese inspired historical mystery romance, mostly taking place inside the Inner Palace of the emperor’s consorts.

Blue Exorcist, Vol. 7

I’m not sure if it will be this year, but I’m hoping to build a decent buffer of these to be able to binge during spooky season. The series is pretty long and ongoing, so I’m not exactly sure how many volumes I want to have before I start. I know I’m going to like it, so I want to make sure it’s a good chunk.

What is it?

An action adventure starring demons and exorcists. The main character wants to be an exorcist even though he is the son of Satan.

Daemons of the Shadow Realm, Vol. 4

Reviews for volumes 1-3 are already available in the index. I like this series, and I’m trying to get more friends to try it. It’s obviously still pretty new if it only has four volumes, but I think anyone who likes Fullmetal Alchemist would probably enjoy it.

What is it?

An action adventure featuring spiritual duo companions and special powers as well as a generations old feud.

Princess Jellyfish, Vol. 1

This series is a difficult to explain. I saw the anime and loved it, but it was incomplete. From what I can tell, the English release of the manga is considered an omnibus, without actually saying omnibus or special edition or anything on it. It’s at least as thick as a two-in-one. I’m looking forward to reading the series to see how similar it is to the anime and seeing what happens after the parts where the anime ended. Upon a quick flip through, the art is beautiful.

What is it?

A series about various types otaku living together and exploring a love of jellyfish and fashion.

Soul Eater: The Perfect Edition, Vol 3

I don’t get these often, because they are on the pricier side. Building a buffer of them is going to take some time. When I get a good number of them, I think they’ll make a good spooky season read. Until then, I’m looking forward to seeing how the manga differs from the anime.

What is it?

A fantasy setting where people are trained to be warriors called meisters and wield weapons, that are actually people who become the weapon. They collect tainted souls in hopes of someday turning their weapons into their ultimate form to be used by Death himself. Sometimes this task involves saving the world.

This series is said to be in the same universe as Fire Force, which I have not yet read.

Daemons of the Shadow Realm, Vol. 3

Daemons of the Shadow Realm, Vol. 3 by Hiromu Arakawa
Series Name: Daemons of the Shadow Realm
Genres: Action, Adventure, Supernatural
Intended Age Group: Older Teen
Publisher: Square Enix
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-64609-244-4
Rating: 4/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble Crunchyroll ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

To get some answers, Yuru warily accepts an invitation from the Kagemoris, the very people who assaulted his village. This soon turns into an uneasy alliance when an ambush threatens everyone’s safety. But not even that surprise can prepare Yuru for Asa’s story! What is the stark secret to claiming the twins’ powers? And does Yuru have what it takes to confront what lies in the abyss…and beyond?

Personal & Info

I’ve been wanting to read this volume for a while now, but I’ve been too exhausted. It’s been sitting in my pile for about three weeks, so I’m glad I can finally get around to it. I feel like I can’t get these fast enough, because they all end on some sort of cliff hanger, whether it’s informational or action related. The urge to be able to binge is strong.


Yuru is the older male twin of the two main characters. He has great hunting skills and a helpful nature.

Asa is the younger female twin of the two main characters. She is Yuru’s younger sister, and she seems to adore her brother with an unusual intensity.

Gabby seems to be a good friend to Asa, but she doesn’t like Yuru after the events of the first volume. I like her even more after learning what names she chose for her daemons.

Ryuu Tadera, who goes by Dera, is a seer. This means he can see Daemons. He is half of the Higashi Village retainer pair, and he acts as supply runner and liaison. He is currently posing as Yuru’s father and guardian.

Jin Kagemori is the youngest of the three Kagemori brothers. He’s a high rank in the family organization in which Asa chooses to reside.

Divine Guardians Left and Right are the most important daemon characters, so far, with ongoing appearances. Yuru is their master and they rarely ever leave his side. They are made of stone, and their abilities are intended to be direct counters to Break and Seal.

Story & Thoughts

This is the third volume, and it’s still going strong. The focus of the plot for the volume is continuing to dump information they started discussing from volume two. The only reason I’m giving it a four instead of a five is because plot building episodes of anything tend to be a little less satisfying.

I love learning more about the plot regarding any story I’m reading, but let’s face it, they’re not always the most amazing sections. However, I feel like this series does a good job keeping those parts entertaining. The discussions have a certain liveliness about them, while still managing to keep the serious undertone.

In this case, we get more information about Yuru and Asa’s childhood. Yuru’s childhood was already filled with danger that no child should have to deal with, and Asa’s life after leaving the village has been no picnic. The conversation picks up from the dramatic conversational cliff hanger of volume two, and we learn how she acquired Break, which also tells us why she wears an eyepatch.

Aside from that, there are many areas in the second half where there is comic relief from Yuru seeing and learning more about modern things. Hiromu Arakawa does a good job with these parts by making them feel natural and not too time consuming. Yuru’s face in these situations is always priceless.

I think this series is well on its way to becoming one of my new favorites. I love everything about it, so far.

The bonus comic in the back titled Entombed, which stars the daemon Break, is all too relatable to me.

Light Novel & Manga Haul February 2024


I wasn’t actually expecting to have many manga for a haul this month. I thought I’d have maybe four. Obviously, I ended up with more than that. A pleasant surprise. Everything in this haul was purchased new from various sources or received as gifts, except for one manga.

Light Novels

Bofuri: I don’t Want to Get Hurt, so I’ll Max Out My Defense, Vol. 2

This book was gifted to me by the same friend who initially recommended the series and also gave me the first volume. I have seen some of the anime since reading the first book, but not the manga. Based on what I’ve seen of the anime, I think the light novel is the better version. I couldn’t read certain information in the anime without having to pause many times, because it seems like the anime doesn’t consider the forum posting as important as the light novels do. The forum posting parts are so wholesome. I feel like that’s one of the many reasons I like the light novel as much as I do.

I plan on reading this series long term, but it’s not a high priority on my collection list. The reviews for it will likely not be frequent. This one is also twice as thick as the first book, so that’s nice.

Just a warning, the light novels for this series are bound with flimsier paper than usual. If you so much as set it down wrong or drop it on the floor from a small height, there is a strong possibility it might tear. I’m two for two on that, so far.

What is it?

A funny and interesting VRMMORPG themed series.

Heaven Official’s Blessing: Tian Guan Ci Fu, Vol. 1

I’m dipping my toes into the danmei genre. I read the first volume of The Scum Villain’s Self Saving System and really liked it. This series is by the same author, so I got the first book to try. If I like both series, I’ll expand more deeply into the genre. So far, I’m optimistic.

What is it?

A historical BL (danmei) of some kind.


Ai Ore, Vol. 1

This is the only pre-owned manga in my haul. I bought it in the same store as some of my pre-owned novels the same month, in one of the same stores. The manga section of the store was closed the day a friend and I were shopping. We kept checking back in to see if they’d opened it. When we were finally allowed to enter that area, I felt like it would be rude not to buy something, since we kept asking about it.

The selection was pretty small, but this manga stood out to me. It’s pretty thick, like twice the size of a regular volume, and it’s a gender queer romance. It was half cover price, so I figured why not?

What is it?

A romance with two gender queer characters and a rock band.

Cat + Gamer, Vol. 1

This book was gifted to me from my wishlist. It’s about someone who gets a cat and uses their video game knowledge to help them learn how to take care of it. It sounded super cute when I came across it, so I’m looking forward to reading it. I think it’s great how many slice of life series about cats there are these days.

What is it?

A cute series about a gamer who adopts a cat and has no idea how to take care of it.

Daemons of the Shadow Realm, Vol. 3

Volume one hooked me. As a fan of Fullmetal Alchemist, this series does not disappoint. I’m excited to read this volume. I hope it keeps going strong. This is probably a series I’ll be collecting long term.

What is it?

An action adventure featuring spiritual duo companions and special powers as well as a generations old feud.

Dragon Ball: That Time I Got Reincarnated as Yamcha

I was a huge Dragon Ball fan when I was growing up. I’m generally not a fan of the modern stuff for it, though. My preference was for Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and I’m one of those weird people who actually likes Dragon Ball GT. So, I don’t pay much mind to anything Dragon Ball these days.

THIS, however, is a gift I received that I am absolutely excited to read. After reading the description and flipping through the pages a little, this manga seems hilarious, and I love the concept. It’s definitely on my short list of things to read in my immediate pile of manga.

What is it?

A stand alone isekai story that, I strongly assume, is a comedy.

Fangs, Vol. 2

I like volume one of this series, but it’s definitely not for everyone. It’s not exactly a happy series. I thought this was the final volume, but I did some quick checking, and people are saying there is likely more to come, because there’s supposedly a cliff hanger. Now I have concerns, because this volume came out two years ago and I don’t see any release information anywhere about a third volume. I’ll definitely be reading this soon to find out for myself. It’s on my short list pile.

What is it?

A vampire BL romance with some depressing themes.

Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End, Vol. 6 & 7

I’m still a little behind on volumes for this series. I’m hoping to catch up before I get around to watching the anime. The other day, I saw volume ten came out, so I’m not too far behind on the English releases.

Reviews for the volumes I’ve already read can be found in the index section.

What is it?

A fantasy story about an Elf mage coming to terms with how long her lifespan is compared to those around her.

Moriarty the Patriot, Vol. 1

I’m a fan of mysteries and Sherlock Holmes, so this series has been on my list of things to try for a while. This copy was gifted to me, and I’m looking forward to reading it. I don’t know anything about the contents, but I’m aware of who Moriarty is. I don’t think I’ve actually read any Sherlock Holmes stories that had Moriarty in them, though, so I don’t actually know a whole lot about the character, aside from them being Holmes’ rival. The only exposure to Moriarty I’ve had was the TV show Elementary, where if I remember right, Moriarty was a woman.

What is it?

A mystery series featuring Sherlock Holmes’ rival, Moriarty.

Soul Eater: The Perfect Edition, Vol. 2

I love Soul Eater, but my first exposure was the anime. I hear the manga is significantly better. Either way, I already planned on getting the manga. The perfect editions are hardcovers, and I see no reason not to get a favorite series in hardcover, so these are the ones I will be going with. It’ll likely be a while before I get around to reading them.

What is it?

A fantasy setting where people are trained to be warriors called meisters and wield weapons, that are actually people who become the weapon. They collect tainted souls in hopes of someday turning their weapons into their ultimate form to be used by Death himself. Sometimes this task involves saving the world.

This series is said to be in the same universe as Fire Force, which I have not yet read.


Fullmetal Alchemist 20th Anniversary Book

I don’t even really know what’s in this book. I just saw a 20th anniversary book was being released and I had to have it for my Fullmetal Alchemist collection. It’s approximately the same size as the hardcover editions of the manga, so it should look nice next to them on the shelf. I’ll likely read this after I get around to rereading the series.

What is it?

A collectable anniversary book with extra comics and information pertaining to the main series.

Daemons of the Shadow Realm, Vol. 2

Daemons of the Shadow Realm, Vol. 2 by Hiromu Arakawa
Series Name: Daemons of the Shadow Realm
Genres: Action, Adventure, Supernatural
Intended Age Group: Older Teen
Publisher: Square Enix
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-64609-222-2
Rating: 5/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble Crunchyroll ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

Ancient Daemons awaken to fight a new battle in an age-old war!!!

Yuru’s quiet life comes to a sudden, bewildering end when his mountain home is attacked…by none other than his twin sister, Asa! Forced to assume the role of Daemon Wielder, Yuru manages to escape with the help of his new allies. But while they seek to keep him hidden, Yuru seeks answers, a search that puts him on a collision course with Asa and her mysterious coconspirators, the Kagemori clan…

Personal & Info

I bought this before I read volume one, and I’m glad I did, because I wanted more after finishing the first book. I’ll have to get more after this one. This is as far as my buffer goes for the series. I’ll try to get reviews up for more volumes whenever I manage to get more.


Yuru is the older male twin of the two main characters. He has great hunting skills and a helpful nature. This volume shows more insight into how much of a badass he is.

Asa is the younger female twin of the two main characters. She is Yuru’s younger sister, and she seems to adore her brother. A more cheery side of her personality is shown here instead of her ruthless assassin characteristics from the first book.

Ryuu Tadera, who goes by Dera, is a seer. This means he can see Daemons. He is half of the Higashi Village retainer pair, and he acts as supply runner and liaison. He often brings medicine and other helpful things to the isolated mountain village. Currently, he is posing as Yuru’s father.

Hana Danno is Dera’s partner, the other half of the Higashi Village retainer pair. She’s also a seer, but she’s never been to the village. When Dera goes up to the village, she usually waits somewhere outside as his transportation. She’s currently masquerading as Yuru’s step mother.

Gabby seems to be a good friend of Asa’s, but she doesn’t like Yuru after the events of the first volume.

Jin Kagemori appears to be a high rank in some kind of family organization fighting against the village.

Haruo and Akio appear to be Jin’s right hand men, at least for this volume. Both of them have Daemon pairs.

Dr. Sakurazawa is a doctor at the Kagemori mansion. It’s unclear if they will be a significant character, but they are present throughout a large portion of the volume.

More Daemons than in the previous volume appear. All of the ones seen before are present, as well as a bunch of new ones. Most of them are likely one-off appearances, aside from the ones who are partners with newly significant characters.

Story & Thoughts

The fast, intense, start of volume one doesn’t lose any ground as this one continues right where it leaves off. Yuru rushes into danger to find answers to his questions regarding his family. There’s no shortage of action.

In volume one, Yuru’s hunting skills are shown to be top notch. Now, we get to see how lethal he really is. He is skilled in more than just the bow that we’ve already seen him use. He’s a nightmare in the dark, and the demonstration of his talents paints him as a real badass. Asa basically has a super power, yes, but I think the sheer skill in what Yuru does with mundane simple weapons is way cooler.

As the story progresses we get a little better of an understanding about what’s really going on. Not nearly enough, but it’s a start. I have a feeling any information involving the parents will be a long way off, but in the mean time, we’ll likely get to know Asa a bit better. She seems thrilled to have her brother close, even if they are complete strangers to each other.

I love seeing all the varieties of Daemons. Some look like they come from mythologies, while others are from straight up fairy tale or story book characters. I just really love this whole concept for how they work.

I think my favorite characters, so far, are Yuru and Gabby. Yuru, because he’s a badass in a way that ticks a lot of my boxes, and Gabby…Well, she’s just growing on me. She has Ed’s cranky face, and I love that, but she’s also super vicious. But I can tell she has a soft side, too. She seems like a good friend, and she really cares about her Daemons.

I’ll definitely be getting more volumes for this series, and I definitely recommend it.

Daemons of the Shadow Realm, Vol. 1

Daemons of the Shadow Realm, Vol. 1 by Hiromu Arakawa
Series Name: Daemons of the Shadow Realm
Genres: Action, Adventure, Supernatural
Intended Age Group: Older Teen
Publisher: Square Enix
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-64609-186-7
Rating: 5/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble Crunchyroll ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

Ancient Daemons awaken to fight a new battle in an age-old war!!

In a remote mountain village under the watchful eyes of two stone guardians, the young Yuru contentedly lives off the land while staying close to the only family he has left – Asa, his precious twin sister. Asa, meanwhile, carries out a mysterious “duty” on behalf of the village while locked in a cage. Why is Asa a prisoner? And what other secrets does Yuru’s otherwise idyllic home hide?

Personal & Info

I don’t have reviews of it on here, yet, but Fullmetal Alchemist is one of my all time favorite anime and manga. This series is fairly new by the same creator. That’s all I need to be willing to try it. I’m going into this with only the information from the back of volume one.


Yuru is the older male twin of the two main characters. He has great hunting skills, and helpful nature.

Asa is the younger female twin of the two main characters. She’s Yuru’s younger sister, and little is known about her from this volume alone. All we really know is that she is powerful and she might be on the wrong side of a conflict.

Ryuu Tadera, who goes by Dera, is a seer. This means he can see Daemons. He is half of the Higashi Village retainer pair, and he acts as supply runner and liaison. He often brings medicine and other helpful things to the isolated mountain village.

Hana Danno is Dera’s partner, the other half of the Higashi Village retainer pair. She’s also a seer, but she’s never been to the village. When Dera goes up to the village, she usually waits somewhere outside as his transportation.

Gabby appears to be a good friend of Asa’s. She apparently doesn’t mind pain, and her Daemons are a set of teeth.

Jin Kagemori appears to be a higher rank up in some kind of organization. His Daemons appear to be themed around angler fish.

Various Daemons are also characters. I don’t know which ones are important enough to list, nor do I want to spoil too much by describing them in any further detail. The most important are probably Left and Right. You’ll understand that more if you read the book.

Story & Thoughts

Going into this, I had no idea what to expect. The description is vague and even potentially sounds dull. I put my trust in Hiromu Arakawa in hopes it would be worth reading, and she did not let me down. The description only really covers the introduction portion of the book. Things quickly escalate and change from there. One second it’s a peaceful isolated village expressing to the reader how they struggle for resources and to find work, and the next, people are getting their throats slit or just entirely sliced in half.

The village is quickly left behind as Yuru is forced into the modern world. The story is serious, but makes time for funny moments. Yuru knows nothing of the world outside the village, so there are amusing interactions as he adjusts to culture shock. Everything he sees awes and amazes him. I wasn’t expecting the story to go into the modern world, but so far I don’t mind.

I love the concept of the Daemons and their bonds with people. It’s cool they come in pairs. No two sets are the same. And speaking of Gabby’s teeth, I never would have thought a disembodied set of teeth could be cute.

The series has a similar vibe to Fullmetal Alchemist in all the right ways. There’s action, supernatural aspects, adventure, bloody violent ruthlessness, and comic relief. I devoured this volume and loved every minute of it. It has a bit of a tense cliffhanger at the end, so I’m glad I already have volume two. This book is a nice strong start to a new series, and I really hope it stays good.

Manga Haul December 2023


This haul is a combination of books I grabbed from the store while Christmas shopping and some that I received as gifts. I don’t have as many books as last year for December, but I’m still happy with what I have.

Due to the holiday season, and the following holiday lethargy, this post is a little late. Don’t worry, January will still have a haul of its own.

Blue Exorcist, Vol. 5

My buffer for this series is slowly expanding. I hope I love it as much as I love what I have seen of the anime. Either way, the series holds sentimental value to me. I’m hoping to have enough volumes to start binge reading in October. As a series with demons, I think it’ll make a decent seasonal read.

What is it?

An action adventure starring demons and exorcists. The main character wants to be an exorcist even though he is the son of Satan.

Daemons of the Shadow Realm, Vol. 2

I haven’t gotten around to reading the first book, yet, but it’s on my shortlist. Expect a review for volume one soon. In the mean time, I’m expecting to like the series due to it being by Hiromu Arakawa, so I didn’t hesitate to get the second book.

What is it?

Some kind of action adventure.

Ouran High School Host Club, Vol. 6-8

I don’t think I need to explain anything about this series. It’s been around a long time, and most people know what it is. If you don’t, you should definitely check it out, especially if you like rom-coms. I think I only need ten more volumes after this until my collection is complete. Once I have all of the volumes, it’ll go on my list of things to binge read.

What is it?

A gender bend, slice of life, comedy, romance.

Light Novel & Manga Haul September 2023


I actually didn’t think I’d have enough books to bother with a haul this month. I expected to have maybe two at most, and I don’t do hauls unless I have at least four. But then, I remembered my one year milestone of learning Japanese happened this month, so I bought myself a few books to celebrate. So, anyway, on with the haul!

All books except two were purchased locally. The light novel came pre-owned from an Amazon seller, and Blue Exorcist came new.

Light Novels

Spice & Wolf, Vol. 10

I actually have two copies of this book. One of them is very damaged on the inside, because it was poorly inspected by the seller. It was not included in the haul for whichever month I got it, because I don’t count books like that as things for hauls. You can actually see the second copy in one of the piles in the background of the image. I’ve had rather bad luck with pre-owned book orders recently. I’m actually not yet sure what to do with the bad copy.

Reviews for several volumes are already available and can be easily found in the index. It has a spin-off series as well, but I’ve seen people say it’s best to wait until at least volume 17 of this before starting that. Slowly, but surely, I’ll get there.

What is it?

A commerce slow burn romance between a human and a snarky wolf girl.


Blue Exorcist, Vol. 2

At this point in time, I’ve only seen the first season of the anime, but I absolutely loved it. If I can get enough volumes, I might read this series for spooky season, 2024.

What is it?

An action adventure starring demons and exorcists. The main character wants to be an exorcist even though he is the son of Satan.

Daemons of the Shadow Realm, Vol. 1

All I really know about this is that it’s by the same person who made Fullmetal Alchemist. FMA is one of my all time favorites, so it’s a given I need to try this new series.

What is it?

Some kind of action adventure. I’ll know more when I read the volume.

Noragami Omnibus, Vol. 7 (volumes 19-21)

I love the anime for this, but unfortunately it’s one of the many that were never finished. The manga is apparently supposed to be darker than the show, but better. I’m looking forward to reading the manga. It’s just a matter of figuring out when.

I thought the series was finished since they have omnibus editions, but apparently it’s still going. The omnibus editions are almost caught up to the current releases of the standard print.

What is it?

An urban fantasy focused around gods and the spirit world.

Spy x Family, Vol. 5

I have not started reading this series, but I have seen the anime. From a quick flip through of the volume in the store, it looks like the anime and the manga are very similar, so I don’t feel like I need to read it any time soon. I can build up a buffer to binge later, while I enjoy season two of the anime.

What is it?

An action comedy featuring a family with a spy, an assassin, and a telepath.