Can You Just Die, My Darling? Vol. 1

Can You Just Die, My Darling? Vol. 1 by Majuro Kaname, Sousou Sakakibara
Series Name: Can You Just Die, My Darling?
Genres: Horror, Mystery, Romance, Suspense, Thriller
Intended Age Group: Mature
Publisher: Kodansha
Edition: ebook
ISBN: 9781642122725
Rating: 4/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble BookWalker


Neat freak Taku Kamishiro has a crush on his childhood friend, Mika Hanazono. Unfortunately for him, so does everyone else in town. After an incident outside his home, Kamishiro finds his romantic feelings have become murderous. Kamishiro fights to control his new urges in this morbid and gory romance.

Personal & Info

I got this for free from a massive BookWalker sale. I don’t normally list them in my links, but because that’s where I got this ebook, I will be including them in the listing. They had a sale not that long ago where you could get a ton of volume ones for free, so I have a huge list of them I can read when I need to post something and haven’t finished what I’m working on.

I have nothing against BookWalker. It’s just that my personal preference tends to be print books, so I usually only list links where people can find print editions. BookWalker is purely ebooks from what I can tell. If you like your manga and light novels digital, maybe check them out sometime.

This book has four stars as the rating because I docked one for the gore and general content I don’t usually enjoy. I thought everything else in the story was well done and amazing.


Taku Kamishiro is the main character. He likes cleaning for no reason, and has a sister who seems to wear her shirt backwards frequently. People call him captain clean, because he is always cleaning.

Mika Hanazono is Kamishiro’s childhood friend and crush. She seems mean and abusive hitting and kicking him all the time. It seems like she was mean to him when they were kids too.

Koji Shinomiya is captain of the soccer team. He is considered handsome and smart, and he wears a unique earring. Like everyone else, he has a crush on Hanazono.

Ms. Tanaka is Kamishiro’s neighbor.

Koki Atsumi is Hanazono’s homeroom teacher. He is popular with the students because he is kind and earnest.

Yamada is the ace pitcher of the baseball team. I don’t think we get his first name.

Story & Thoughts

Okay, so this book is…something else. I’m typing this shortly after finishing, and my nerves are just…definitely rattled. The thriller part of the story is definitely done well. The finale of the volume put me on the edge of my seat.

I didn’t know what to expect going into it, but it certainly was not what I got. There are numerous gory scenes. I don’t normally read or watch things with substantial amounts of gore. Despite the unsettling content, the story is actually more engaging than one would expect. I don’t plan on reading more of the series, but if I came across more volumes for free, I would probably read them. That’s saying a lot for something outside of my usual genre preference.

This book gives me similar vibes to zombie fiction, but it’s a little different. Basically, there is some kind of contagion that causes people to have murderous impulses. They seem to be directed at those they care about most, but not exclusively. The side effects also include super human strength, among other things. I get the feeling it’s more like an increase on all of the body’s base abilities, like making a murderous super soldier.

I cheated a little since I don’t plan on getting any more volumes. The ending of this one was a huge punch in the gut and I needed some answers, so I looked for an answer to one specific question just to quell my curiosity. If I end up reading more later, knowing this answer is not going to spoil the story for me. I just really wanted to know this one thing. If you have read this volume, you probably know what I looked up.

Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku, Vol. 1

Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku, Vol. 1 by Fujita
Series Name: Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
Genres: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life
Intended Age Group: 16+
Publisher: Kodansha
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-63236-704-4
Rating: 4/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble RightStuf ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

Narumi Momose has had it rough: Every boyfriend she’s had dumped her once they found out she was an otaku, so she’s done to great lengths to hide it. When a chance meeting at her new job with childhood friend, fellow otaku, and now coworker Hirotaka Nifuji almost gets her secret outed at work, she comes up with a plan to make sure he never speaks up. But he comes up with a counter-proposal: Why doesn’t she just date him instead?

Personal & Info

I’m an otaku, so when I heard about this series, I was sure I wanted to read it.

There are translation notes in the middle, after the first half, which would technically be volume one of the Japanese version, and again at the end of what would be part two of the Japanese version. Be sure to take a look at those if you think you might need them.

There are also little notes next to the page numbers on most pages. They aren’t significant information, but they do add some small details to the story. These are easy to overlook.


Narumi Momose is the cute incompetent type character. She’s the fujoshi of the group, but she enjoys multiple nerdy mediums, like playing various video games and reading manga.

Hirotaka Nifuji is the video game otaku. He’s tall and good at his job. It’s stated he would probably die without video games.

Hanako Koyanagi is Narumi’s work friend. She’s into the arts, as well as crossplay, anime, manga, and BL. She also easily gets drunk, and can be highly aggressive.

Taro Kabakura is Hirotaka’s friend. He is dating Hanako, and they have known each other since high school. Like Hanako, he can be a bit aggressive. He apparently keeps up with the most current anime and manga.

Naoya Nifuji is Hirotaka’s little brother. He is not an otaku, and he has a job as a barista.

Story & Thoughts

Part 1

There are four main characters, and they all work in the same office. All four of them are some type of otaku, and they are basically two couples. Narumi and Hirotaka know each other from middle school, and Hanako and Kabakura know each other from high school.

The story is so cute. It’s mostly these four people just living their lives with their day to day struggles. Hirotaka doesn’t express himself well, except in text. Narumi isn’t good at her job, and can’t even manage her own deadlines for her doujinshi for comiket. Hanako and Kabakura are always fighting. Honestly, their relationship might be a little toxic.

The interactions between Narumi and Hirotaka are adorable and funny. Hirotaka seems to have a good understanding of Narumi. He helps her out, and they often play video games together. Narumi doesn’t seem sure how to handle being with Hirotaka, yet, but she’s positive it’s more comfortable than being with someone she has to hide her hobbies from.

The bonus comics are amazing. They are mostly just the four of them hanging out together doing random shenanigans. Some of it otaku related, and some of it just regular stuff, like Hirotaka trying to learn how to wink. The silliness of it all is great.

Part 2

This section introduces Naoya. He comes across as kind and cute, but he is very much a “normie.” For some reason, he thinks otaku terms are business terms.

The general shenanigans continues. We learn a little more about Narumi and Hirotaka’s childhoods. The series seems to like flashbacks for that, which are usually cute and heartwarming.

I don’t have much else to say about this part. It keeps the same consistency as the first half and maintains the same feel and type of comedy. If anything, it’s good that it holds up.


I love the characters. They’re all amusing and have their own separate otaku hobbies, but they come together to have fun easily. Their personalities and interests overlap enough to make them a good group of friends, and while some don’t like to participate in the hobbies of others, they are supportive and enjoy spectating.

As an otaku myself, I find the story relatable and heartwarming. I think I relate to Narumi the most, but I think there’s a little from everyone to relate to.

There are some character bios scattered throughout the book that cover some general information about everyone, as well as a section that talks about their Sunday morning habits. I love all the extra pictures, colored sections, and comics.The art in general is just really nice.

This is a series I definitely intend to finish. It only has six volumes in the English edition(covering eleven Japanese volumes), so it shouldn’t be a huge commitment.

The Hero Life of a (Self-Proclaimed) “Mediocre” Demon! Vol. 1

The Hero Life of a (Self-Proclaimed) “Mediocre” Demon! Vol. 1 by Shiroichi Amaui, Konekoneko, Tamagonokimi
Series Name: The Hero Life of a (Self-Proclaimed) “Mediocre” Demon!
Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Demons, Fantasy, Magic, Vampires, Wolves
Intended Age Group: 16+
Publisher: Kodansha
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-64651-334-5
Rating: 4.5/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble RightStuf ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

Now that he has reached 20 years of age, self-proclaimed mediocre demon Chrono Alkon is eager to begin his mandatory year of schooling in the Demon King’s castle. It’s his dream to spend the year having fun and making friends, but when he gets a shocking result in his class designation test, that dream is put in jeopardy. To make things even more difficult, Chrono is from a small remote village and has little sense of what is considered “normal” at school. As the resident country bumpkin, he finds himself facing maddening misunderstandings and unexpected adventures. Will this “mediocre” demon ever have the peaceful school life he’s always wanted, or will he be derailed by the demons who understand him better than he understands himself?

Personal & Info

I found this at my local book store on a day when I wasn’t sure if I wanted to buy anything.

It does have slavery aspects in it, so if you don’t like that kind of thing, it might not be for you. The way the story presents it is not abusive or anything, though. It’s actually accidental and contributes to the main story. Kind of like how How Not to Summon A Demon Lord starts off with accidental slavery.


Chrono Alkon is the main character. Apparently he is a Jinn, but I’m not sure which lore, if any, this series uses for that.

Grude Vogney is the class bully, but he seems easily disarmed by Chrono’s antics. I get some Bakugo vibes from him.

Sofia Grave is a vampire princess. I have no idea what kind of lore they are using for this. She has wings, and nobody mentions anything about any sunlight issues.

Liza Malta Philanikos is the current Demon King. She’s short and busty.

Dante is one of the faculty members of the school. He seems to be the primary instructor, and some sort of canine in the furry category.

Yukino Salmard is a lycanthrope. She does not appear to be one in the traditional sense, but more of the person with animal ears way. She’s a veteran in the Special Exploration Unit.

Story & Thoughts

I’m wary of trying isekai and fantasy manga these days because they are so popular and there are so many. Because of that, I don’t want to commit to any unless I try reading the first volume. I am so glad I tried this one. It’s fantasy, starring demons, with an over powered main character.

Generally, I tend not to like over powered main character tropes, but this one does it right. Chrono is powerful, without being intentionally cool or edgy. He doesn’t even think he is powerful, hence the, “self proclaimed mediocre,” part of the title. It makes the story so much more enjoyable, and adds wonderful comedy.

The characters are charming and amusing. I think the Demon King seems a little weak for her title, but that might just be a reflection of how strong Chrono actually is. Even the bully character, Grude, is amusing. His interactions and reactions with Chrono are hilarious.

By the end of the volume, I think I’m getting some possible harem vibes, but I don’t know enough about the series to be sure. What I do know is the three girls in his life all seem very fond of him. I would not be surprised if it goes in that direction.