The Apothecary Diaries, Vol. 11

The Apothecary Diaries, Vol. 11 by Natsu Hyuuga, Nekokurage, Itsuki Nanao, Touco Shino
Series Name: The Apothecary Diaries (Manga)
Genres: Drama, Historical, Mystery, Romance
Intended Age Group: Teen
Publisher: Square Enix
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-64609-252-9
Rating: 4/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble Crunchyroll ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

Summoned to attend the Emperor on an evening jaunt to an ancient shrine that functions as a rite of passage for the rulers of the land, Maomao makes quick work of the puzzle inside, acquitting herself with aplomb. Having learned more about the Imperial bloodline than a commoner has any right to know, Maomao returns to her post at the Jade Palace. But her aim to stay out of the business of her betters is foiled once again when the Empress Dowager comes calling! The mother of His Imperial Majesty seeks Maomao’s aid in investigating yet another curse, one she fears she herself may have cast upon the infamous late Emperor…

Personal & Info

I can never get enough of this series. Every time I finish a volume, I’m already ready for the next one. Unfortunately, it’ll be a little bit of a wait. Volume twelve doesn’t come out until September.


Maomao is pulled into solving more royal favors, and this time not for Jinshi, but the Empress Dowager herself.

Jinshi isn’t entirely significant to the main story of the volume. He mostly plays the part of an observer this time around.

Empress Dowager Anshi, the current Emperor’s mother, is the main focus. The majority of the volume revolves around a favor she requests of Maomao.

Story & Thoughts

There are five chapters. The first is part two of The Shrine of Choosing, continuing from where volume ten leaves off. After that, the book focuses more on the Empress Dowager and what the previous Emperor was like.

I find this volume particularly interesting, because it digs more deeply into the details of the royalty. Up until now, we’ve only seen the Empress Dowager in passing. Now we get to see her in the majority of this book. Four out of five of the chapters are practically all about her.

The three part section by the title of The Late Emperor is all about how things were when the previous emperor was in power. Also, how the Empress Dowager attained her rank, and more about the births of her two children. The time of the previous emperor honestly sounds pretty terrible. Some progressive laws were passed thanks to Anshi, and are still getting better with the current emperor, but a lot of shady stuff was going on behind the scenes. I’ll let the book take care of explaining all of that, but my point is, the political intrigue of this volume is very interesting. It’s like getting a lore dump.

This section of the series might make some readers uncomfortable. It readdresses the inappropriate age preference the previous emperor had. The age of the Empress Dowager at the time of the Emperor’s birth was bleeped out earlier in the series when it was mentioned in passing at the first Garden Banquet. At this point in the series, it blatantly gives a number. We can all agree the previous emperor’s preferences were disgusting. I don’t think readers should let these parts ruin their opinion of the whole series.

I think the most significant thing in the volume is that we finally get a for sure answer about the mystery around Jinshi. Now, we’re left wondering how long it will be until Maomao finds out the truth, and if she will care at all once she has the answers.

As one of the few volumes that doesn’t end in the middle of a multipart section, I can’t help wondering if this particular ending is foreboding or encouraging. The contextual meaning seems a little unclear in that regard.

The Apothecary Diaries, Vol. 10

The Apothecary Diaries, Vol. 10 by Natsu Hyuuga, Nekokurage, Itsuki Nanao, Touco Shino
Series Name: The Apothecary Diaries (Manga)
Genres: Drama, Historical, Mystery, Romance
Intended Age Group: Teen
Publisher: Square Enix
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-64609-136-2
Rating: 4/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble Crunchyroll ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

When two beautiful foreign envoys with designs on the Emperor come calling, they spin a fantastical tale about a courtesan who once captured the imagination of their family patriarch. Now it falls to Maomao to concoct a theatrical scheme to give the ladies a whopper of a story to take home! And when the hubbub from their visit dies down, Maomao goes back to sniffing around the Inner Court for the perfume oils and spices sold by the caravan that could spell disaster for the throne’s future heirs. But the trail leads her back…to the Crystal Palace?!

Personal & Info

It took me longer than I would have liked to get around to reading this. I ended up doing a full series reread to refresh my memory, and just because I wanted to. The reread was immensely enjoyable. My review for volume eleven will be a little late, but I’ll get to it as soon as I can.


Maomao is wonderful, as always. I absolutely adore her.

Jinshi is ever present and extra stressed. He does not seem to be having a good time in this volume.

Shenlu is an older lady who runs the clinic. She’s far older than the typical court lady, likely due to her special skills.

Xing is the Head Lady-in-Waiting at the Crystal Palace. She works for Lihua.

Story & Thoughts

This volume is pretty jam packed. It has six chapters. Five of them are multipart events. Of course, the first one is the continuation of the final chapter from volume nine. But, aside from that, there is a three chapter event, and the last chapter is part one for another multipart event.

Part two of The Moon Fairy is fantastic. I was all smiles for that chapter. While I enjoyed it, I don’t think I can say the same for Jinshi.

The Inner Court has several rules that make important things, like medical care, more difficult than they should be. Maomao learns about more of these things, and sees some of the imminent problems the Inner Court is likely to face as an eventuality. It’s clear the current emperor has many things in a transitional state and has not yet fully addressed some of the policy reforms.

On that subject, I think the social aspects of the Inner Palace need addressing. That’s more of an issue for the consorts to deal with, though, and some of them are not aware of the things that need to be fixed. There always seems to be one problem or another at the Crystal Palace, but Lihua seems ready to start addressing those issues.. I hope Lishu can wise up to some of the negativity involving her own ladies-in-waiting at some point.

It’s pretty funny we only just now find out that Maomao has been breaking highly enforced rules this whole time.

I’m surprised Jinshi didn’t express anything to Maomao about the scratches on her face after the drama had passed. He’s usually more concerned about anything that hurts her. The face is also very important inside the Inner Palace because of how much of the social structure there is based on looks, so I thought there should have been a little more attention drawn to that.

All in all, the series is holding up very well. My usual rating tends to be a solid four, with only the occasional dip to a three. It’s definitely one of my current favorites.

The Wolf Princess

The Wolf Princess by Cathryn Constable
Genres: Adventure, Mystery
Intended Age Group: Middle Grade
Publisher: Scholastic/ Chicken House
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-545-52841-2
Rating: 1.5/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

Sophie always dreamed of winter…

…of sparkling snowflakes, silver birch forests, and air so crisp and cold it brought a blush to her cheeks. But Sophie’s days in London are filled with rain. Only the friendship of bookish Marianne and glamorous Delphine makes it better.

Then, as if by magic, the girls find themselves traveling deep into wintery Russia. Abruptly abandoned in a blinding blizzard, they fear for their lives. But just like in a fairy tale, a princess comes to their rescue: the beautiful, imperious Anna Volkonskaya, who brings them to a winter palace that was magnificent – once upon a time.

At first, Sophie is enchanted by Princess Anna’s tales of glittering gray diamonds and wild white wolves. But she soon grows concerned. What is her place in the sinister mystery that surrounds the place? Even as the wind and wolves howl outside, is Sophie in more danger now than she ever was lost in the snow?

Personal & Info

This is one of the many books I purchased at a large pre-owned book sale. There’s finally snow on the ground, so I thought it would make a good winter read. The book itself mentions a blizzard, so, fitting enough, right?

There is a small glossary of Russian words and expressions in the back of the book. I don’t think it’s necessary to reference it. The story tells you the meaning of pretty much all of the words that come up or gives enough context to figure them out.

I’m not very familiar with Russian words or names, so if I make any typos or misuse any words, I apologize.

Content Warnings

-Death. A person dies “on-screen” and one seemingly “off-screen.”

-Animal hunting/abuse. One or more animals gets hurt and there is a description of a cruel way to hunt for sport.


Sophie Smith is the main character. She is an orphan, and attends school at the New Bloomsbury College for Young Ladies in London. Her current guardian travels frequently, and tends to be stingy with her money, so Sophie’s clothes are old and full of holes.

Marianne is Sophie’s smart friend. She’s the type with good grades, scholarly interests, and logical thinking. It’s clear early on that she has no interest in trying to look more feminine.

Delphine is Sophie’s fashionable friend. She loves clothes, grooming, and meeting important people. She can also be a bit selfish at times, if the situation involves any of those three things.

Princess Anna Feodorovna Volkonskaya is the sole survivor of her family lineage. She has an alluringly charming quality about her that makes people want to be around her and make her happy.

Ivan Ivanovich is a former military man who works for the princess. He is grateful to her, because she took him in when he had nowhere else to go.

Dmitri and Masha are siblings whose family works for the Volkonsky family. Their family has been loyal to the Volkonskys for generations.

Story & Thoughts

This book feels like it starts slow. It’s only 309 pages, so when I say slow, I mean it feels like nothing significant is happening until about halfway through. The entire first half of the book is introducing the characters, their lifestyles, their personalities, and setting up the plot. The gist of that being that the girls are going on a school trip to Russia.

Some unusual events happen to the girls after arriving in Russia. The description covers most of it, but it had been months since I read the description, so I was going into it blind. The series of events after arriving in Russia were just barely intriguing enough to keep me reading. I picked up the book three times, and the only reason I actually finished it was because it’s so short that I was close to the end, anyway.

The girls meet the princess halfway through, and that’s where the real meat of the story starts. Unfortunately, I still didn’t find it very interesting after that, either. I wasn’t invested in the story, just mildly curious about the end result. I was hoping for something more paranormal, like one of the characters turning out to be a shifter, but that didn’t happen.

In regards to the mystery, it’s simple. It’s probably a little more quizzical for people of the intended age group. I’m not the intended age group, so the answer was obvious to me. So obvious, in fact, that I can’t help thinking that Sophie is a little dense. She’s clueless for basically the entire book, and most of her thoughts and actions are based on some instinctual reaction.

This is not something I would recommend to anyone, nor is it something I think I would read again. It’s so mediocre to me that I’m surprised I even finished it. I really didn’t think I would.


Deception by Amanda Quick
Genres: Historical, Mystery, Regency, Romance
Intended Age Group: Adult
Publisher: Bantam
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 0-553-56506-0
Rating: 3/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

Once Olympia Wingfield had been free to devote all her time to her true passion: the study of ancient legends and long-lost treasure. But now, with three hellion nephews to raise, the absentminded beauty has very little time for research. Which makes it seem all the more serendipitous when a handsome stranger strides into Olympia’s library unannounced and proceeds to set her world to rights…

Tall and dark, with long, windswept black hair, Jared Chillhurst is the embodiment of Olympia’s most exotic dreams…a daring pirate, masquerading in teacher’s garb, whose plundering kisses and traveler’s tales quickly win her heart. Yet all too soon innocent Olympia will discover that the enigmatic and wickedly sensual Mr. Chillhurst is no lowly tutor but a future earl with a wealth of secrets – the kind that will lead them both on a perilous quest for a hidden fortune and a love worth more than gold.

Personal & Info

I found this book in pre-owned condition very cheap. I buy and read pretty much any Krentz/Quick/Castle novels I can find. They have a consistent story formula, and for some reason I always find the stories and writing style to be my comfort reads. Whenever I don’t know what to read or what I’m in the mood for, I grab a book by this/these author(s) and it always helps.

This is an older novel from the early to mid 90’s, so it’s going to be more common to find used copies, but it looks like Amazon and Barnes & Noble have reprints for newer copies.


Artemis Wingfield is Olympia Wingfield’s uncle. He is an older man with preference for fine manners, like dressing up for dinner and proper etiquette.

Jared Ryder, Viscount Chillhurst, is the thirty-four year old male lead of the story. He has an eyepatch and prefers to dress more like a pirate than follow any fashion fads. His family owns the Flamecrest fleet, and his father is the Earl of Flamecrest. Jared is the oddball in his family, because all his relatives are eccentrically proud of their buccaneer heritage, but Jared himself has a preference for schedules and economics.

Olympia Wingfield is the twenty-five year old female lead. She was raised and educated by her two eccentric aunts, only one of which was a blood relative. Olympia has a fascination of foreign lands and their cultures. Due to her interests, she is a member of the Society for Travel and Exploration.

Magnus Ryder, the Earl of Flamecrest, is Jared’s father. He is more like a pirate than what you would expect of an Earl.

Thaddeus Ryder is Jared’s uncle and Magnus’ brother. He is also a pirate type.

Mrs. Bird is Olympia’s housekeeper. She worked for Olympia’s aunts before her, and she is a strongly opinionated woman.

Ethan and Hugh are Olympia’s eight year old twin nephews.

Robert is Olympia’s ten year old nephew. He is the most civilized of the three nephews that Olympia is raising.

Demetria Seaton is Jared’s beautiful ex-fiancee. She now goes by Lady Beaumont after marrying a wealthy man.

Felix Hartwell is Jared’s man of business. He takes care of all business related affairs for Jared in London, and Jared considers him to be a good friend and very much like himself.

Gifford Seaton is Demetria’s brother. He is emotional and tends to have a hot temper, but cares deeply for what little family he has.

Constance Kirkdale is a good friend of Demetria’s. She is described as Demetria’s opposite in every physical way, but still pretty.

There are a significant number of other characters with names in the book, but these ones make up the starting families and the people important to them. Whether or not the culprit for the mystery is someone else or one of these, I will not say one way or the other.

Story & Thoughts

The prologue sets up the entire premise. Artemis Wingfield hires Jared Ryder to escort goods, one of which is a diary significant to the story, to his niece in Upper Tudway in Dorset. Artemis has a loose tongue, because he spills a ton of information that no cautious person would ever bother sharing. He practically gives Olympia’s entire life story to a man he hardly knows. Not only that, but he provides enough information to make it known that she can’t seem to hold down a tutor for her nephews, which is just what Jared needs to be able to insert himself into her household later.

Despite the lack of caution, it does do a good job setting things up. Both leads get an introduction in a way that explains their personalities and interests. It also provides the motive for Jared to go meet Olympia in the first place, while setting up the story point about the diary in the process.

I actually really like Jared’s character concept and presentation. He is born and raised a buccaneer, but prefers to be a skilled businessman with a schedule and personal set of rules. It basically makes him a businessman with a unique set of skills, because he is trained in the pirate-like skillset, even though he prefers not to have to use any of them. On top of that, he knows when to make use of them, and when to take the benefit from people’s assumptions regarding his appearance.

The story takes the instant attraction angle. Jared and Olympia both fall for each other from the moment they meet, but neither says anything about it for a long time. The only thing that prolongs it is respect for propriety and reputation. If they both would just be open about it from the beginning, it would be an entirely different kind of book. Honestly, I find stories where lack of communication is the only thing holding it back to be a bit frustrating.

The subject of marriage comes up about halfway through the book. It’s an interesting twist the way it happens. But at the same time, if you don’t know how Olympia feels, it comes off as entrapment. I was not satisfied with how the characters navigated this part of the story.

This is probably a good time to say Olympia’s character bothers me a bit. Her interests are fine, and most of her personality is fine, but there are little things. She is absent minded, like to the point she neglects to say the things that matter at the actual time when they matter. This tends to cause unnecessary emotional turmoil. But, what bothers me more is relevant to her interests. She could be taken aback or surprised by something, but as soon as she hears it’s a foreign custom somewhere she immediately changes her mind about it and is gung-ho about doing or trying whatever it is. She doesn’t even require any proof. In my opinion, this makes her far too gullible.

All in all, I like the book well enough. It’s a good comfort read to get me back on track after a small hiatus. The story is good enough to be interesting, but not amazing. I figured out the culprit almost immediately, so the mystery part is not difficult. The best parts are the character interactions, despite how frustrating some of them might be due to lack of communication. I’ll likely hold onto this one.

Surprisingly, this book aged well. I think the terminology it uses for describing characters has come full circle in a way that makes it mostly correct according to modern standards.

The Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall

The Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall by Katie Alender
Genres: Ghosts, Horror, Mystery
Intended Age Group: Teen
Publisher: Scholastic
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-545-91073-6
Rating: 4/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

Delia’s new house isn’t just a house. Long ago, it was an insane asylum nicknamed “Hysteria Hall.” However, many of the inmates were not insane, just defiant and strong willed. Kind of like Delia herself.

But the House still wants to keep “troubled” girls locked away. So, in the most horrifying way, Delia gets trapped.

And that’s when she learns that the house is also haunted.

Ghost girls wander the halls in their old-fashioned nightgowns. A handsome ghost boy named Theo roams the grounds. Delia finds that all the spirits are unsettled and full of dark secrets. The house, as well, harbors shocking truths within its walls – truths that only Delia can uncover, and that may set her free.

But she’ll need to act quickly, before the house’s power overtakes everything she loves.

Personal & Info

This is a stand alone ghost story novel. I grabbed it one day while I was filling a basket at a book sale. It’s one of many books I got that I wouldn’t normally read, but got for the purpose of trying something new. Now that it’s September, it’s a good time to start reading spooky season novels, so it’s a great time to try things like this.

If I had to point out possible content warnings, I don’t think there really are any. It’s a ghost themed book. It’s obviously going to have themes around death, murder, and suicide. If you don’t like those themes, why would you be reading a ghost story in the first place? At worst, there’s a little girl who died, and they tell you how. I guess there’s technically child abuse to a ghost as well. The details surrounding Maria are probably the worst. Her disfigurement is a bit grotesque.


I’m choosing to leave some characters off of this list, and leaving out some details, to avoid spoilers and leave some mystery in tact.

Delia is the main character. She is approximately fifteen, and named after her great aunt on her father’s side of the family.

Janie is Delia’s younger sister. They have about a five year age gap. Janie is different than the rest of her family. She has the bluest eyes and the blondest hair compared to the muddier traits of her family, and her strong personality also sets her apart.

Nic is Delia’s best friend. They’ve been close since sixth grade.

Landon McKay is Delia’s ex-boyfriend. He’s not the greatest guy.

Brad, the dad, is obviously Delia’s father.

Lisa, the mom, is obviously Delia’s mother.

Eliza Duncombe is a ghost with a British accent, and one of Delia’s friends. She died in her pajamas.

Florence Beauregard is apparently the prettiest ghost in the house, and she speaks with a southern accent. She’s also one of Delia’s friends.

Theo Hawkins is a ghost who roams the grounds outside the house. He used to work for the government to survey properties for minerals that might be worth mining. He’s also one of Delia’s friends.

Maria is the disfigured ghost of a little girl who lives on the third floor.

Story & Thoughts

If I’m being entirely honest, this is the best ghost story I’ve ever read. That applies specifically to the time I’m typing this, and doesn’t mean much when you consider the fact I haven’t actually read a whole lot of ghost stories. But, I genuinely like this one. I think it’s very well done, and I only have a few gripes.

Since I mentioned them, I’ll start with my complaints. The big one is a trope that I tend not to like. It’s that whole, “why didn’t our child come to us with their problems,” thing. I hate that, because whenever it comes up, they either DID try to go to their parents about a problem, or they felt like they couldn’t for blatantly obvious reasons. In fact, I think I just don’t like Delia’s parents.

Brad and Lisa were incredibly dismissive of Delia’s fear. They didn’t so much as try to comfort her. Instead, she was accused of being dramatic. Not only that, but she only seems to have done one thing wrong, which was enough to make her parents treat her like what she did was habit. I get that there is the implication that her family isn’t as closely knit as it used to be, but the whole thing just doesn’t sit right with me.

My other issue is fairly minor. It felt like there was a significant amount of wasted time. Delia wasted so much time doing basically nothing. She originally wanted to find out which room was her aunt’s office, but she literally forgot about her goals for multiple years.

I’d say those things are pretty small when considering the story as a whole. The book did a great many things right in comparison. There’s a scene I think was done splendidly, but I can’t say what it is, because I don’t want to spoil anything. It involves Delia coming to terms with something early on in the book. You’ll probably know which one I mean when you come across it.

The story is sufficiently spooky where it needs to be. That’s one of the issues I tend have with most ghost stories. They’re usually not eery enough, or not written in a way that gets the intended mood across well.

I didn’t figure out the mystery part until the story gave the answer, either. The plot twists were sufficiently twisty and unexpected.

One of my favorite things about the book was the unique traits of the ghosts. They didn’t get touched on for more than three of them, though, unfortunately. The ghosts have specific sounds, odors, or visual effects depending on how they lived or died. I thought those were cool details.

The Apothecary Diaries, Vol. 9

The Apothecary Diaries, Vol. 9 by Natsu Hyuuga, Nekokurage, Itsuki Nanao, Touco Shino
Series Name: The Apothecary Diaries (Manga)
Genres: Drama, Historical, Mystery, Romance
Intended Age Group: Teen
Publisher: Square Enix
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-64609-135-5
Rating: 3.5/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble Crunchyroll ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

A festive atmosphere descends upon the Inner Court with the arrival of a long-awaited merchant caravan and its myriad wares. Though the excitement is contagious and even Maomao looks forward to making purchases of her own, she soon cottons on to something potentially sinister about the innocuous goods for sale. Before Maomao can tease out any evidence, however, her attention turns to mushrooms when Jinshi asks her to root out any poisonous varieties on the grounds. But is this request just a bit of landscaping, or does it have anything to do with the rumors about a missing court lady?

Personal & Info

I’m glad this volume released rather quickly after eight. Six months was a long wait, so the short time between the two newest volumes was nice. Three months isn’t long to wait for the tenth book, either, but I’m still sad I have to wait.


Maomao, my favorite character in the series, continues to be eccentric in all the best ways.

Jinshi is ever present in this volume, assigning various tasks to Maomao as per usual.

Shisui is Xiaolan’s new gossip friend and fellow laundry maid.

Other character also appear, like the Lady of Verdigris, the physician, Gao Shun, the ladies of the Jade Palace, etc. but they play smaller roles.

Story & Thoughts

This volume is a little more chill than the others. Maomao goes back to handling unique tasks for Jinshi. As usual, doing her best to prevent potential disasters that nobody else would notice. But, don’t let my description fool you. There’s still plenty of intrigue.

Maomao returns to speculating with her own silent theories. She’s unable to determine if things are coincidences or another plot to unravel. It’s understandable to be at least a little paranoid after the culmination of events from volume six. All she can really do at this point is voice her concerns and hope for the best.

The way Maomao works, we must often settle for hypotheticals. She never wants to interject where she knows it’s not her business or station. She’s also adamant about not giving anyone an answer about anything without evidence. If possible, she’d rather people work out the answer themselves with the information she provides. These are things long taught about her character at this point. So, don’t be surprised if there isn’t confirmation on the results of some mysteries. Maomao is usually correct, though, so you can probably assume her speculations are accurate.

The last chapter, The Moon Fairy, is part one of a multi-part episode. Unfortunately, the next book does not release until November. Based on the implications of what is to come, I’m looking forward to it. It’s likely to be humorous.

Maomao is what keeps me reading. I love her character so much. She’s eccentric and often has her own goblin mode when it comes to poisons and medicines. Seeing her just be herself is always the highlight of reading this series. A laugh or two is guaranteed just by having her in the story, and her interactions with Jinshi tend to have their entertaining moments.

The Apothecary Diaries, Vol. 8

The Apothecary Diaries, Vol. 8 by Natsu Hyuuga, Nekokurage, Itsuki Nanao, Touco Shino
Series Name: The Apothecary Diaries (Manga)
Genres: Drama, Historical, Mystery, Romance
Intended Age Group: Teen
Publisher: Square Enix
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-64609-134-8
Rating: 4/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble Crunchyroll ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

Sly tactician Lakan’s attempts at provocation lead to his own downfall when Maomao challenges him to elephant chess, only to outplay him in a game of wits! In a stupor from drinking “poison” as punishment for his loss, Lakan dreams of a long-lost past, his affair with a beautiful courtesan, and meeting her daughter for the very first time. Upon waking, he finds himself at Verdigris, where he is pressed to buy the freedom of a girl of his choosing and take her home as his wife! But will any of the flowers there catch his eye when his heart is in love with a memory?

Personal & Info

I keep a close eye on the release dates for this series. This volume was originally planned to release in May. Unfortunately, it was delayed until July, so it’s been a full six months since the last book. Things have been rather hectic for me lately, so I didn’t have time to re-read the previous volumes. Hopefully I remember enough to keep up with the story.


Maomao, my favorite character in the series, continues to be eccentric in all the best ways. We learn more about her origins in this volume.

Lakan is probably the most unlikeable character in the series. Despite previous hinting, he’s not as terrible as implied, but he’s still pretty bad.

Jinshi, always intrigued by Maomao, realizes he is a cat person.

Other characters also appear, but these three consume most of the screen time.

Story & Thoughts

The book starts off by diving into Lakan’s backstory. There is a preview of this at the end of volume seven, so I was expecting it. None of it justifies anything he does, but it gives some insight into understanding why he does things. It’s weird to see him more humanized after the series painted him to be an insensitive jerk of a tactician. I get the feeling the story is trying to emphasize that he’s not really a bad person, just different, and often misunderstood.

Out of the six chapters, four of them focus on backstory. Maomao and Lakan are the main focus of the volume, and their connection finally gets an in depth explanation. We even get to see Maomao’s mother. Most of the information has been hinted at throughout the story, so these chapters just solidify everything. The part that got me was the reveal of who Luomen, Maomao’s Pa, really is. That was something I never saw coming.

I’d been wondering about Maomao’s nightmare from an earlier volume. That’s one of the things that gets an explanation in this book, so I’m pretty happy about that. Maomao has certainly had an interesting childhood.

The last two chapters are more fun. There aren’t any blatant mysteries. It’s just life getting back to normal after the Garden Banquet.

Maomao and Jinshi seem to have what could be a moment in this volume. It lasts for maybe a second. They seem to have potential romantic moments scattered throughout the series, but they never last long, and quickly devolve into comedy. I can’t help wondering if one of these times one of those moments will be different.

I did notice an issue that confounded my brain. There was a sentence in the book where, I’m not sure if it’s a translation error or editing problem, but the text was confusing. The wording was strange enough that I didn’t exactly understand the intended meaning of what it was trying to say. I muddled through, but I had to re-read the sentence multiple times and guess at the intention.

Wait Until Midnight

Wait Until Midnight by Amanda Quick
Genres: Historical, Mystery, Romance
Intended Age Group: Adult
Publisher: Jove/Berkly/Penguin Group (USA)
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 0-515-13862-2
Rating: 3/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

Gentle Reader,

It could have been a scene from one of my novels. As a rule, respectable ladies do not accept calls from Mysterious Gentlemen on business of the most grave importance – but I confess that I was possessed of a lively curiosity. The past three years had been so determinedly dull, I hoped Mr. Adam Hardesty would offer a tiny respite from it. Indeed, upon first glance, Mr. Hardesty had such a formidable, thrilling presence, he quickly became the model for the villain in the sensation novel I was currently writing.

Imagine my shock and distress then, when Mr. Hardesty accused me of being party to a plot of murder, blackmail, and general villainy! I knew nothing of such occurrences, and proclaimed my innocence. Unfortunately, Mr. Hardesty left unconvinced, and I had an uneasy feeling over what his search would uncover. You see, Gentle Reader, though I live a most uneventful life now, my past contained a Great Scandal that would be ruinous if resurrected. To protect my secrets from Mr. Hardesty’s investigation, I concluded that I would need to conduct an inquiry of my own, and if that meant sharing my findings with Mr. Hardesty, so be it. And my course of action had nothing whatsoever to do with the illicit, passionate feelings that he aroused in me – feelings that propriety would definitely frown upon…

Yours most sincerely,
Caroline Fordyce

Personal & Info

While I only gave this three stars, it’s a good three stars. I consider books from this author to be comfort reads.

This stand alone book has psychical themes, but there are no real psychics in it. It simply takes place during a time when seances and psychic demonstrations were popular. They are all parlor tricks, so if you’re not into paranormal, it should still be fine for you to read this book.

The character list for this book is very long. I did my best to list all of the ones I feel are important, and the ones I recall making any kind of appearance that might be significant. There are more named characters than the ones I listed here. If I forgot to put them down, they likely were not important. Whether or not the murderer’s name is on the list, I will not say.


Caroline Fordyce is the leading lady. She’s a sensation novelist whose stories are published weekly in the Flying Intelligencer.

Adam Hardesty is the leading man. He comes from a poor background, which gives him a unique set of skills. Julia, Jessica, and Nathan are his adopted siblings.

Wilson Grendon is a wealthy, elderly widower. He took in Adam and his siblings and passes them off as his own distant relatives.

Emma is Caroline’s aunt and only living blood relative. She dresses plainly and presents a tall and severe appearance, with a matching personality.

Milly is Caroline’s aunt, but not a blood relative. She is short and wears brightly colored clothing, which matches her optimistic and cheerful personality.

Julia is Adam’s adoptive sister. She is married to Robert, the Earl of Sourthwood, with two children.

Robert is the Earl of Southwood. He is married to Julia, and they have two children. Robert is essentially a quiet and thoughtful man.

Mrs. Plummer is Caroline’s housekeeper.

Morton is Adam’s butler.

Elizebeth Delmont is the initial murder victim. She is spiritualist who hosts seances and spends time at the Society for Psychical Investigations.

Julian Elsworth is a fashionable practitioner of psychical powers. People consider him to be very attractive. He conducts his business in private homes in only the most exclusive circles.

Durward Reed is the President of the Society for Psychical Investigations and publisher of the newspaper New Dawn. He owns the mansion, Wintersett House, that the society uses as its headquarters.

Harold Filby is Adam’s fashionable and bespectacled man of business. He runs all kinds of errands and gathers information.

Ned is Adam’s coachmen. He’s worked for Adam for a long time.

Irene Toller is another spiritualist. She is Elizebeth Delmont’s rival in business.

Bess Whaley is Irene’s housekeeper and assistant.

Mr. Spraggett is Caroline’s publisher, described as a nervous, wiry, and balding man.

Gilbert Otford is a correspondent for the Flying Intelligencer. He wrote an article about Caroline claiming she has psychical powers.

Story & Thoughts

This book took way longer than I intended to read. No fault to the quality, I’ve just had a lot going on. As with most books by this author, this is a murder mystery. The murder is introduced at the beginning and the whole book is a romance based around the investigation.

It’s actually pretty interesting, because the majority of books I read by this author are about psychics. Psychics with actual talents, I mean. This book is only about frauds, psychics who use tricks and mechanisms to make people think they have powers. It’s an interesting flip from the usual content.

The book also follows the author’s standard storytelling formula. There’s both a murder and a backstory issue. Both get resolved by the end of the book. Some people don’t like writers who have a consistent formula for their stories. If that’s you, then consider this your warning so you know this author, and all her other pseudonyms, uses a consistent formula. I think that’s one of the things that makes them feel like comfort reads, but I understand not everyone relates to that.

The whole of the story is pretty straight forward, so I don’t have much to say about it. I do think it’s important to note that I had no idea who the villain of the story was until the story pointed them out. While it’s not always a bad thing to know who the villain is early, it’s nice to be surprised at the end. It really had me going, thinking I knew who the culprit was, then threw a curveball. Although, the more I think about it, the more I realize there were clues that pointed to them that I didn’t connect until after. So, there is the possibility to figure things out earlier than I did.

I think the most amusing thing in the story is how fixated Adam gets on the fact Caroline finds him inspirational for the villain of her novel. He doesn’t read her novel, but he can’t help thinking of the villain as literally himself whenever someone talks about it. It offends him to no end, and he can’t help interjecting possible hopes for the character or disgust for any unjust actions. The whole situation had me giggling whenever it came up, and during the first half of the book, it’s quite frequent.

Can You Just Die, My Darling? Vol. 1

Can You Just Die, My Darling? Vol. 1 by Majuro Kaname, Sousou Sakakibara
Series Name: Can You Just Die, My Darling?
Genres: Horror, Mystery, Romance, Suspense, Thriller
Intended Age Group: Mature
Publisher: Kodansha
Edition: ebook
ISBN: 9781642122725
Rating: 4/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble BookWalker


Neat freak Taku Kamishiro has a crush on his childhood friend, Mika Hanazono. Unfortunately for him, so does everyone else in town. After an incident outside his home, Kamishiro finds his romantic feelings have become murderous. Kamishiro fights to control his new urges in this morbid and gory romance.

Personal & Info

I got this for free from a massive BookWalker sale. I don’t normally list them in my links, but because that’s where I got this ebook, I will be including them in the listing. They had a sale not that long ago where you could get a ton of volume ones for free, so I have a huge list of them I can read when I need to post something and haven’t finished what I’m working on.

I have nothing against BookWalker. It’s just that my personal preference tends to be print books, so I usually only list links where people can find print editions. BookWalker is purely ebooks from what I can tell. If you like your manga and light novels digital, maybe check them out sometime.

This book has four stars as the rating because I docked one for the gore and general content I don’t usually enjoy. I thought everything else in the story was well done and amazing.


Taku Kamishiro is the main character. He likes cleaning for no reason, and has a sister who seems to wear her shirt backwards frequently. People call him captain clean, because he is always cleaning.

Mika Hanazono is Kamishiro’s childhood friend and crush. She seems mean and abusive hitting and kicking him all the time. It seems like she was mean to him when they were kids too.

Koji Shinomiya is captain of the soccer team. He is considered handsome and smart, and he wears a unique earring. Like everyone else, he has a crush on Hanazono.

Ms. Tanaka is Kamishiro’s neighbor.

Koki Atsumi is Hanazono’s homeroom teacher. He is popular with the students because he is kind and earnest.

Yamada is the ace pitcher of the baseball team. I don’t think we get his first name.

Story & Thoughts

Okay, so this book is…something else. I’m typing this shortly after finishing, and my nerves are just…definitely rattled. The thriller part of the story is definitely done well. The finale of the volume put me on the edge of my seat.

I didn’t know what to expect going into it, but it certainly was not what I got. There are numerous gory scenes. I don’t normally read or watch things with substantial amounts of gore. Despite the unsettling content, the story is actually more engaging than one would expect. I don’t plan on reading more of the series, but if I came across more volumes for free, I would probably read them. That’s saying a lot for something outside of my usual genre preference.

This book gives me similar vibes to zombie fiction, but it’s a little different. Basically, there is some kind of contagion that causes people to have murderous impulses. They seem to be directed at those they care about most, but not exclusively. The side effects also include super human strength, among other things. I get the feeling it’s more like an increase on all of the body’s base abilities, like making a murderous super soldier.

I cheated a little since I don’t plan on getting any more volumes. The ending of this one was a huge punch in the gut and I needed some answers, so I looked for an answer to one specific question just to quell my curiosity. If I end up reading more later, knowing this answer is not going to spoil the story for me. I just really wanted to know this one thing. If you have read this volume, you probably know what I looked up.

Ghost of a Chance

Ghost of a Chance by Jayne Ann Krentz
Genres: Ghosts, Mystery, Romance
Intended Age Group: Adult
Publisher: Mira
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 1-55166-524-7
Rating: 2/5
Amazon ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

It was time to lay some ghosts to rest…

Anne Silver’s brother had been working to expose a clever ring of swindlers when he was struck down by a car – a clear case of attempted murder. Now Anne’s determined to finish what her brother started. But she can’t do it without the help of ex-CIA agent Julian Aries, a man who once betrayed her.

With Julian as an unwilling conspirator, the couple goes undercover to face ghosts old and new – an unsolved murder and a clever gang of fake psychics. But as Anne and Julian put their lives on the line, the icy chill of danger and a powerful desire they can no longer deny force them to confront the greatest unsolved mystery of all…their unlikely love.

Personal & Info

Jayne Ann Krentz (and all her other pseudonyms) is one of my favorite authors. Her books always feel comfortable to read, so I am amassing a collection. This one is a 250 page stand alone.

I purchased this novel from my local used book store for a dollar. Apparently it’s out of print. I think you can still find some audiobook or ebook versions if you don’t want the hassle of locating a print edition. The links I provided SHOULD lead you to some print editions if that’s what you want.


Anne Silver is the leading lady. She works at a university as a research assistant, and her brother Micheal is a reporter.

Julian Aries is the leading man. He is ex-CIA, and, in my opinion, there is absolutely nothing charming about him.

Prue Gibson is the housekeeper of the house they will be using to ensnare the ghost hunters.

Thomas Craven is the lead ghost hunter.

Sara is the “sensitive” that can sense and communicate with ghosts. She claims to have no last name.

Dan Hargraves is Craven’s assistant. He handles all the notes and research regarding their ghost hunting adventures.

Story & Thoughts

I think the most important thing to point out starting out is the fact this book is from the 80s. There are themes and opinions involved that definitely show the perspective of the times. The date in my book says it was published in 1984. If you don’t like to see consent disrespected, or how men would think or act in the 80s, you might not like this book. If you do like that, then you might also like Serpent in Paradise by the same author.

The story itself is okay. I don’t have any issues with that. Anne and Julian plan to trap some ghost hunters who use their profession to rob houses. That’s all well and good. The plot even wraps up nicely, though I’m not surprised about the plot twist at the end. I actually had my suspicions early on.

The biggest issue in the whole book is Julian. I have pages of notes about how horrible Julian is. I cannot stress enough how frequently he disrespects consent. There is technically no rape, however a significant amount of consent is in a very gray area, or in the badgering category, which does not really count as true consent.

Julian tries to find sexual meanings or responses in practically everything. He does not understand simple human compassion, and he is delusional enough to mentally justify all of his actions, even if his justification completely goes against something he was told. There are no redeeming qualities about him. He is a toxic person, and Anne should not like him at all. Any sweetness at the tail end of the book does not make up for the entirety of the book before it, nor does it change anything about him. Julian basically ruins the whole book.

Aside from all the Julian garbage, there are only two more things I think are worth mentioning. Anne doesn’t stand up to Julian nearly enough. She lets him manipulate her too much. The last thing isn’t related to the story, but there seem to be a significant amount of typos.