Rosario+Vampire, Vol. 10 by Akihisa Ikeda
Series Name: Rosario+Vampire
Genres: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Monsters, Romance, Vampires, Witches
Intended Age Group: Older Teen
Publisher: Viz/ Shonen Jump Advanced
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-4215-2355-2
Rating: 4/5
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Description from the Book
All-around average teenager Tsukune can’t get accepted to any high school save one…but on his first day, he finds the rest of the student body doesn’t appear average in the least. Best of all, the cutest girl on campus can’t wait to fling her arms around his neck! Wait a sec’ – are those her teeth around his neck too…? Tsukune’s going to have one heck of a hickey when he gets home from Monster High! But does he have a chance in H-E-double-hockey-sticks of raising his grades at a school where the turf war isn’t between jocks and the nerds but the vampires and the werewolves?
Personal & Info
Since I’ve already read a large chunk of the series before, I’m giving the volumes I’ve already read a slight bump in rating to show how much I liked it my first time through. I don’t want my familiarity with the series to hurt the score. There is less thrill when you already know what happens, so I’m accounting for that. The bump is only about a half star.
Tsukune Aono is your every day incredibly average underachiever human with no special skills…But the human part might be changing permanently.
Moka Akashiya is the beautiful vampire love interest.
Kurumu Kurono is beautiful love interest number two. She is the passionate big booby lady.
Yukari Sendo is an eleven year old genius, and a witch.
Mizore Shirayuki is love interest number three. She is shy and a bit of a stalker, but she’s also the most considerate of Tsukune’s happiness.
Ruby, the witch from volumes four and five, works for the school now.
Kyoko is Tsukune’s cousin. She’s like a big sister to him.
Story & thoughts
The first two chapters continue the events from the previous volume, and wrap up the festival. Things get chaotic as Hitomi Ishigami, the former art teacher, makes her first reappearance since the events of the protection committee. The school gets absolutely trashed.
Students are sent home, so we get a fun chapter where the girls visit Tsukune in the human world. Each of them thinks they are the only one to have the idea, so chaos ensues, again. It’s too much for Tsukune’s poor mother to handle. I love Mizore’s hiding spots in this chapter.
There’s a bonus chapter at the end. It looks like it’s from back before Mizore was part of the group, because it shows her in passing with her long hair. The plot touches on a traditional vampire law.
The bonus comics in this volume are great. They are more Q&A four panel shorts, but one of them always sticks with me. I remember the one about Mizore’s suckers as a factoid from my first read several years ago.
Volume ten completes season one of the this manga. The next one is the start of season two. It’s still called Rosario+Vampire, but it starts all over at one again like it’s its own series.
Notable Issues
There’s another translation oddity regarding Mizore. She refers to herself as a snow fairy. I’m not sure where that came from, because as far as I know, yuki-onna, the folklore creature she is supposed to be, is a spirit or demon.