Ai Ore! Vol. 1

Ai Ore! Vol. 1  by Mayu Shinjo
Series Name: Ai Ore!
Genres: Gender-Bend/Gender Queer, Romance
Intended Age Group: Older Teen
Publisher: Viz/ Shojo Beat
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-4215-3838-9
Rating: 3.5/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble Crunchyroll ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

Mizuki is the female “prince” of her all-girls school and the lead guitarist in an all-girl rock band. Akira is the male “princess” of his all-boys school and wants to join her band. Love may be on his mind, but romance is difficult when everyone keeps mistaking Mizuki for a boy and Akira for a girl!

When the lead singer of Blaue Rosen announces she is moving overseas, Akira does all he can to convince Mizuki and her bandmates to let him join. But will a resistant Mizuki allow him into her band, much less her heart?

Personal & Info

I bought this for about half price at a used book store. Their selection for manga was tiny, and this was one of the few potentially interesting things in decent condition that they had. I love gender queer and gender bend stories, so I figured it was worth trying.

Content Warnings

-Dubious consent, mostly for kissing.

-Attempted rape. The main attempt does not succeed, but there is also a second one intended as revenge. The book ends before giving a solid answer on if it actually happens or if it’s just an attempt to scare the person.


Mizuki Sakurazaka is the female lead, the girl who looks like a boy. She plays lead guitar in her band, and attends the all girls school, St. Nobara Girls Academy.

Akira Shiraishi is the male love interest who looks like a girl. He attends Dankaisan Boys High School, which is next door to St. Nobara Girls Academy. He abuses his cute appearance when it suits him, but can knock you out if you make him mad.

Ai Okita is one of Mizuki’s band mates. She plays the drums.

Momoko Kidera is one of Mizuki’s band mates. She plays bass.

Megumi Yuasa is one of Mizuki’s band mates. She plays. guitar

Kaoru Naruse is Mizuki’s childhood best friend and the lead singer of the band. She leaves fairly early in the volume, because her family is moving.

Rui Kiryuin is the student council vice president at Dankaisan Boys High School. He is apparently the only son of the Ryuga clan, the largest yakuza gang in the Kanto region. Despite his family’s reputation, he gets conned by Akira frequently.

Ran Nikaido is the student council president at Dankaisan Boys High School. His father is the commissioner of the metropolitan police.

Story & Thoughts

The first few pages did not hook me. As the story progresses, we see what the lives of the two main characters are like. Mizuki is in an all girl band and attends an all girls school. Akira attends an all boys school next door.

Those things by themselves are all fine and good, but things become over the top and highly exaggerated from there. Both Mizuki and Akira have freakishly blown out of proportion reputations at their schools. Mizuki is the “prince” of hers, and Akira is the “princess” of his. They are both so wildly popular that their entire student body at each of their schools revolves around them.

The story uses that to overly exaggerate the isolation students feel going to a gender restricted school. The girls look for the most masculinely handsome girl to fawn over, and the guys seek out the most feminine boy. A double standard is shown early on. Mizuki loves the attention and doesn’t find it strange at all. It’s just something she’s gotten used to. Akira, on the other hand, has his face plastered all over his school, and his classmates sell merchandise and stalker photos. While her school fame doesn’t bother her, Mizuki definitely finds the way Akira is treated to be creepy and unsettling.

While the story is overall cute, sweet, and romantic, it has some occasional dark vibes. The extent of which some students are willing to go to satisfy their own selfish desires is unnerving. The third year students from Mizuki’s school, and Rui from Akira’s, are prime examples. Consent between Akira and Mizuki can be a little fuzzy sometimes, too.

But, if you can get past those things, the story really is sweet and enjoyable. Mizuki doesn’t understand love at all, and she’s experiencing it for the first time. Akira is considered cute by all, but he never lets Mizuki forget he’s a guy. There’s even a childhood friend background going on for people who love childhood friends to lovers type stories.

I don’t know if I’ll end up buying more volumes for this, but it wasn’t bad. The absurdity of the exaggerated aspects of the story and the way the characters interact with each other is funny enough to make me giggle. I wouldn’t mind reading more, but I probably won’t go out of my way to do so.

Absolute Boyfriend, Vol. 2

Absolute Boyfriend, Vol. 2 by Yuu Watase
Series Name: Absolute Boyfriend
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Sci-fi
Intended Age Group: Older Teen
Publisher: Viz/Shojo Beat
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-4215-0568-8
Rating: 5/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble Crunchyroll ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

Rejected way too many times by good-looking (and unattainable) guys, shy Riiko Izawa goes online and signs up for a free trial of a mysterious Nightly Lover “figure.” The very next day, a cute naked guy is delivered to her door, and he wants to be her boyfriend!

Riiko needs money after giving all she had to help pay for Night, so she finds a job at the same place Soshi works. Not wanting Night to worry, she doesn’t tell him about her new job, but Night finds out anyway. What’s even more worrying to Night is how Riiko is beginning to feel for Soshi…

Personal & Info

I’m rereading this series after several years. The reviews take into account how I remember feeling my first time through, and how I feel reading it again after so long.


Riiko Izawa is the main character. She is a bit of a slob, and considered flat chested. Her parents are working abroad, so she currently lives alone.

Soshi Asamoto is Riiko’s next door neighbor and childhood friend. They have known each other since they were little kids.

Gaku Namikiri is an eccentric business salesman who seems to neglect sharing the most important information until after it’s too late.

Night Tenjo is an artificially intelligent prototype boyfriend “figure.” He is supposed to be the perfect boyfriend in every way, based on the features the customer chooses.

Mika Ito is Riiko’s friend from school. This volume shows off her nasty side.

Satori Miyabe is a girl at Riiko’s school. She seems to keep to herself and does not like Mika.

Story & Thoughts

The first half of this volume focuses on how nasty Mika is. There’s a lot of bullying, and Night has a fan club that is absolutely bonkers. It’s crazy how much all these girls get away with.

The volume as a whole focuses on the blooming romance of the love triangle. Riiko and Soshi are getting feelings for each other, and neither of them seem to know how to handle it. Add that on top of the girl drama and Night’s undying affection for Riiko, and the story is pretty dang captivating.

I don’t remember which content is in which book until I read it, because my memory kind of jumbles everything together. When I figured out where this volume was going I was filled with dread. The first time I read it, I was distraught. This volume has a heart wrenching cliff hanger, because Riiko is on a timer to make a decision before it’s too late, and the final panels just throw that right in your face.

It doesn’t get me as much as it did the first time, but the drama still increases my heart rate from the dread and anticipation. The tension between Riiko and Soshi. The accident with Night that could have happened at any time, but happened now, when the romantic stress and drama is high. Like the first volume, I think this one holds up well. I’m giving it the same rating I did the first time.

Absolute Boyfriend, Vol. 1

Absolute Boyfriend, Vol. 1 by Yuu Watase
Series Name: Absolute Boyfriend
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Sci-fi
Intended Age Group: Older Teen
Publisher: Viz/Shojo Beat
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-4215-0016-4
Rating: 5/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble Crunchyroll ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

Rejected way too many times by good-looking (and unattainable) guys, shy Riiko Izawa goes online and signs up for a free trial of a mysterious Nightly Lover “figure.” The very next day, a cute naked guy is delivered to her door, and he wants to be her boyfriend!

Has Riiko died and gone to heaven? The cute guy turns out to be sweet, smart, a great cook, and lots more. And he looks like a million bucks, which is what he’s going to cost Riiko if she doesn’t return him in time…

Personal & Info

I don’t remember which grade I was in at the time, but this is a manga I read in school with friends. I think it was early high school. One of my friends found this series and shared it with our group. We all loved it, and some of us bought copies for our own collections. I haven’t read it since then, so this is a reread after many years.

There’s something people should know about this particular mangaka, though. I’ve read a few different series by Yuu Watase, so I feel like I should warn people. She likes to punch you in the heart with her stories.

As an older manga, this series has author notes in the margins. I feel like I never see those in modern manga anymore. It’s nostalgic, and I miss getting more insight into the creation and story of the series.


Riiko Izawa is the main character. She is a bit of a slob, and considered flat chested. Her parents are working abroad, so she currently lives alone.

Soshi Asamoto is Riiko’s next door neighbor and childhood friend. They have known each other since they were little kids.

Masaki seems to be Soshi’s brother, but they don’t outright specify.

Ishizeki is a boy from school Riiko has a crush on during the beginning of the story. He appears throughout the volume.

Mika is Riiko’s friend from school.

Gaku Namikiri is an eccentric business salesman who seems to neglect sharing the most important information until after it’s too late.

Night Tenjo is an artificially intelligent prototype boyfriend “figure.” He is supposed to be the perfect boyfriend in every way, based on the features the customer chooses. His height and weight are on the back cover of the book.

Story & Thoughts

Initially when I read this the first time, I gave it five stars. At that time, I was around target age group for the series. It made me laugh constantly, and I absolutely loved it.

Now, several years later, rereading it again for the first time since then, I still like it a lot. It doesn’t make me laugh as much as the first time because I have a good memory, so it’s not like the humor is hitting for the first time. The laughs may not be as obviously out loud, but the story still makes me smile, and that’s pretty great. Based on that, I think it holds up well.

There’s a love triangle, as there usually is in almost any series popular in the 2000s. Night is the obvious love interest. The other is Soshi. He obviously likes Riiko, and his brother seems to know he does. Riiko is oblivious to his feelings so far, but she notices some unexpected reactions to being around him that hint she likes him, too.

I think Night is exactly what Riiko needs at this point in her life. Not the stress of the price tag, but the support he gives. She could probably get the same from Soshi, but based on their current relationship, they would have to progress a lot to get comfortable enough. Night doesn’t have an awkward crush phase to get passed. He is already 100% devoted to Riiko, even if she is unsure about him herself.

I love the art. Yuu Watase draws in an easily identifiable style that is cute and pleasant to look at. The chibi and exaggerated reaction images all look great, too.

This is a romantic comedy I highly recommend to anyone interested in the genre.