Rosario+Vampire, Vol. 9 by Akihisa Ikeda
Series Name: Rosario+Vampire
Genres: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Monsters, Romance, Vampires, Witches
Intended Age Group: Older Teen
Publisher: Viz/Shonen Jump Advanced
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-4215-2354-5
Rating: 4.5/5
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Description from the Book
All-around average teenager Tsukune can’t get accepted to any high school save one…but on his first day, he finds the rest of the student body doesn’t appear average in the least. Best of all, the cutest girl on campus can’t wait to fling her arms around his neck! Wait a sec’ – are those her teeth around his neck too…? Tsukune’s going to have one heck of a hickey when he gets home from Monster High! But does he have a chance in H-E-double-hockey-sticks of raising his grades at a school where the turf war isn’t between jocks and the nerds but the vampires and the werewolves?
Personal & Info
Since I’ve already read a large chunk of the series before, I’m giving the volumes I’ve already read a slight bump in rating to show how much I liked it my first time through. I don’t want my familiarity with the series to hurt the score. There is less thrill when you already know what happens, so I’m accounting for that. The bump is only about a half star.
Tsukune Aono is your every day incredibly average underachiever human with no special skills…But the human part might be changing permanently.
Moka Akashiya is the beautiful vampire love interest.
Kurumu Kurono is beautiful love interest number two. She is the passionate big booby lady.
Yukari Sendo is an eleven year old genius, and a witch.
Mizore Shirayuki is love interest number three. She is shy and a bit of a stalker, but she’s also the most considerate of Tsukune’s happiness.
Ruby, the witch from volumes four and five, works for the school now.
Tsukune’s older close cousin, Kyoko, visits the school.
Mizore’s mother, Tsurara, and Kurumu’s mother also visit the school. I don’t think Kurumu’s mother’s name was stated.
Story & thoughts
This volume picks up where eight left off with the climax of the monstrel problem and Hokuto. Two of the four chapters wrap up that crisis. We also get a brief look at Hokuto’s past to see what his life was like before the academy, and what his time at school was like.
Once that’s over, it’s time for the school festival to begin. Alumni and parents visit the school, and various shenanigans ensue. We get to see some of the girls’ mothers, and both of Yukari’s parents in maybe two panels. Mizore’s mother and Kurumu’s mother hog most of the event.
We also get to meet Tsukune’s cousin, Kyoko. She should be nowhere near the school, but I think we’ve all learned by now how incompetent they seem to be at enforcing their own rules and regulations. Tsukune does his best to try to convince her the school is completely normal.
The volume leaves off on a small cliff hanger. I think the series does this on purpose. Most events that encompass more than one chapter get divided into two volumes. It’s a good way to keep people buying the books, but frustrating for people who can’t get them right away.
I love how this volume shows yet again how Mizore is considerate of Tsukune. Yes, she asks him for a favor that makes him uncomfortable, but she also releases him from an obligation because she knows it’s not what he wants. She doesn’t pressure him to do anything he doesn’t want to. None of the other girls seem that considerate.