The Titan’s Bride, Vol. 3

The Titan’s Bride, Vol. 3 by ITKZ
Series Name: The Titan’s Bride
Genres: BL, Fantasy, Isekai
Intended Age Group: Mature
Publisher: Seven Seas
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-68579-331-9
Rating: 4/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble RightStuf ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

Koichi has made the painful decision to return to his world. With their agreement satisfied and his decision made, Caius begins the magical process of sending him back. However, as the process begins, Kouichi watches as Caius’ physical form begins to fade. Unable to help him or ask why, the couple is dragged apart. What is wrong with Caius, and who, if anyone, will be able to help Kouichi in his hour of need?!

Personal & Info

It’s essentially a smutty romance, and not the censored kind, either. There are no black bars, blurring, or bright lights to block anything out. Do not read this manga if you don’t think you would like the smut sections, because there are a significant amount of them. You must be prepared for that going into it.


Kouichi Mizuki is a basketball star and very popular with the ladies. He is the one who gets summoned to another world.

Caius Lao Visteil is the prince of Tildant, the kingdom of titans. He summons Kouichi to his world because he must marry someone not of his own world.

Dr. Malthu is the palace doctor.

Baro Barrows is a canine beastman from Foval. He now works for Dr. Malthu as an assistant, and his nickname for Kouichi is Tiny.

Reiquerd Carlsine, also known as Reil, is an elf who chooses to study sex.

Dyne is Reil’s assistant. He appears to be a Titan, and does not show his face.

Story & Thoughts

This volume focuses significantly more on story than smut. It doesn’t bother me, but people reading it primarily for the smut might be a little disappointed. The first chunk of the book obviously relates to Kouichi’s decision, and finalizing whichever choice he makes.

After Kouichi makes his final decision, he and Caius try to settle into life together as a royal couple. Caius must resume his princely duties, and his busy schedule puts a strain on their relationship. On top of that, Kouichi feels inept at pleasing Caius. He lacks the capabilities necessary to keep up with Caius’ sexual drive and satisfy him. The second half of the book focuses on them tackling this issue.

The story finally introduces an elf character, and tells us more about elf culture. Reil is rather amusing. He comes off as sex obsessed and curious. I’m not sure I trust him, though. The few panels shown after they leave the Gate to the Spirit World make me suspicious. I have a feeling Caius and Kouichi are about to be angry after Reil’s last action. He likely doesn’t know what kind of offense he is doing, but it’s likely to be taken seriously by Caius and Kouichi.

I love that Baro basically becomes Kouichi’s best friend. They study and play basketball together. I think it’s amazing Baro is crushing on Kouichi, too, but he doesn’t want to break up the relationship with Caius. Baro’s had a lot of character growth in a short time. I hope he sticks around as a main character. Kouichi seems to like him as a friend, so an ongoing best buds relationship for them would be great.

The sections that show what is happening back on Earth make me sad. It’s unfortunate the universe has to heal itself in this particular way. The bonus comic relevant to these parts with the button is really sweet, though.

The Titan’s Bride, Vol. 2

The Titan’s Bride, Vol. 2 by ITKZ
Series Name: The Titan’s Bride
Genres: BL, Fantasy, Isekai
Intended Age Group: Mature
Publisher: Seven Seas
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-68579-331-9
Rating: 4/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble RightStuf ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

Kouichi and Caius have been caught up in a beastman’s trap! While traveling through Foval looking for the illusive Raisa fruit that will cure Kouichi of his raging illness, Caius certainly doesn’t expect an ambush. Some shady beastmen think they’ll be an easy heist, but unfortunately for them, stealing Kouichi away was the worst choice these thieves could ever make. As a captured Kouichi still suffers through the unbearable heats brought on by the Karina fruit, he’s left to wonder – will he and Caius ever reunite and return home?!

Personal & Info

It’s essentially a smutty romance, and not the censored kind, either. There are no black bars, blurring, or bright lights to block anything out. Do not read this manga if you don’t think you would like the smut sections, because there are a significant amount of them. You must be prepared for that going into it.

This volume has some more interesting images for the smut. It uses some transparent style images where you can see through Caius to get a visual of what’s going on with Kouichi. And what I mean by that is you can see how far he is stretching and see inside.


Kouichi Mizuki is a basketball star and very popular with the ladies. He is the one who gets summoned to another world.

Caius Lao Visteil is the prince of Tildant, the kingdom of titans. He summons Kouichi to his world because he must marry someone not of his own world.

Dr. Malthu is the palace doctor.

Baro Barrows is a canine beastman from the later parts of volume one. He plays a bigger role in this one. His nickname for Kouichi is Tiny.

Story & Thoughts

This volume holds up well after the first one. It continues where the cliff hanger leaves off, and finishes the events in Foval. There is some sketchy consent again in the early parts, so use your own digression to judge if that bothers you. It seems like it’s a horrendous act at first, but the story makes it clear a little later that it was a cultural misunderstanding.

I love that this one goes more deeply into the lore of the world. Kouichi is curious to learn more about the community of Tildant and how the world of Eustil works. The system for prosperity is explained in a little more depth, so some things Kouichi heard Caius say in the first book make a little more sense. There also appear to be another type of people not yet named that are shown a little in this volume. They look like angel or bird people. Maybe we’ll learn more about them later.

Caius and Kouichi are finding their stride, and they seem good together. They’re more comfortable around each other, and they both care significantly about the other’s well-being. That’s a positive, but there’s also the negative that Kouichi is starting to miss his friends and worry about his family.

We see more glimpses of Kouichi’s backstory connecting the relevance of his worries. The first volume has a tiny flashback without much context. We get all the context for it this time. It becomes more relevant to the story as Kouichi explains to Caius what his life is like back home, and because it will affect his decision. He makes a choice, but nothing is carried out, yet, so I doubt it’s the final one.

I’m enjoying everything about this series. The lore is great, the romance is sweet, the smut is, well, smutty. I like the world and the characters. It’s all engaging enough to keep me interested. I’d generally describe the series as cute, funny, and erotic.

The Titan’s Bride, Vol. 1

The Titan’s Bride, Vol. 1 by ITKZ
Series Name: The Titan’s Bride
Genres: BL, Fantasy, Isekai
Intended Age Group: Mature
Publisher: Seven Seas
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-63858-810-8
Rating: 4/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble RightStuf ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

Senior Kouichi Mizuki is about to take his final exams and graduate from high school, when he suddenly finds himself in a world of titans. Not only is he no longer anywhere near home, but one of these giants, Prince Caius, has claimed Kouichi as his bride! Thanks to a disturbing, world-ending prophecy, the prince’s upcoming nuptials cannot be with anyone of his world. Since Caius has no plans to send Kouichi back to earth, he is wholeheartedly set on taking Kouichi as his “wife”!

Personal & Info

This was on my list of things to read that I never thought would get localized. I’m glad it did, though, because now I can read it without having to import it or wait until I learn Japanese.

I knew going into this that it was explicit, and it very much is. It’s essentially a smutty romance, and not the censored kind, either. There are no black bars, blurring, or bright lights to block anything out. However, I had no idea what to expect from the story.

I can never tell if an explicit story is going to be good until I read it. A large number of them tend to focus too much on the smut, and not enough on the story quality. For me to enjoy explicit stories, I need to like the characters and engage with the story. This one is definitely worth the read, in my opinion.

Do not read this manga if you don’t think you would like the smut sections, because there are a significant amount of them. You must be prepared for that going into it.


Kouichi Mizuki is a basketball star and very popular with the ladies. He is the one who gets summoned to another world.

Caius Lao Visteil is the prince of Tildant, the kingdom of titans. He summons Kouichi to his world because he must marry someone not of his own world.

Medina Nall Rosas is Caius’ former fiancée, and one of his closest friends.

Dr. Malthu is the palace doctor.

Story & Thoughts

The setting is interesting. It’s not a world where titans are dominant instead of people. It’s a fantasy world, by the name Eustil, with multiple kingdoms and races. The main three types of people mentioned are titans in Tildant, elves, whose kingdom is not named in this volume, and beast men in Foval. The story implies humans, also known as halflings, were around at one point, but are no longer common, if they are around at all.

It has sketchy consent in the beginning, so use your own judgement regarding that. But, almost immediately, it’s clear the romance is sweet. Caius is caring and affectionate, and Kouichi wants Caius to be happy, even if it means being with someone else. The story is full of sappy stuff like that, and the characters are genuinely likable. It makes a good counterbalance to the smut.

If there’s something to complain about, I think it would be the pacing. It seems like both a lot and nothing are happening at the same time. They set a time limit of a month, and that month just seems to fly by. It might’ve been cool to learn more about the culture of the titans in that month. Some is mentioned, but not a whole lot. More of Kouichi adjusting to the culture and standard size difference would also be nice.

Maybe Kouichi trying to make friends, too. It seems like he doesn’t really know anyone there and doesn’t make an effort to. I don’t blame him for wanting to go with Caius when he has to travel. He would have no one to talk to, and what would he even do? Of course, most of these things are likely to get expanded on as the story progresses in other volumes.

There are little pictures between the chapters as some added details and funny bits. Between those and the sweet and adorable story, I find myself smiling while reading this. Obviously the smut doesn’t hurt, either. I will definitely be reading more of this series. Beware the cliffhanger at the end of the volume.

Dick Fight Island, Vol. 2

Dick Fight Island, Vol. 2 by Reibun Ike
Series Name: Dick Fight Island
Genres: BL, Comedy, Erotica, Romance
Intended Age Group: Mature
Publisher: SuBlime/Libre
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-9747-2655-4
Rating: 5/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble RightStuf ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

Matthew is studying at a prestigious college, and his new roommate, Harto, is almost too much to take. Harto hails from the mysterious Pulau Yang Indah and grew up with strange island cultural practices involving…well, the butt. Matthew does his best to shield his new roommate from teasing before it devolves into actual sexual harassment, and Harto isn’t unmoved by Matthew’s kindness – in fact, just thinking of him can bring him to orgasm. But these new developments terrify him too. As his clan’s chosen warrior, he can’t risk growing weak. Will he be forced to choose between his new love and the clan that raised him?

Personal & Info

The first book is really good, so of course I had to get the second one. It does not disappoint. It’s unfortunate the series only has two volumes.

This book shares the same type of censorship as the first. The gray/black bar that does not cover much and seems to be used inconsistently.


Harto is the main character. He’s from the jewel clan, and he attends college abroad. Matthew is his roommate.

Matthew Manami is Harto’s roommate from college abroad.

Pisau is from the sun clan. He usually trains for the tournament with Yudha, but their relationship is developing more than that.

Roro is chief of the earth clan.

Yudha is from the warrior clan. He usually trains for the tournament with Pisau, but their relationship is developing more than that. He expressed the desire to move in with him during the events of the tournament.

Taring is the son of the leader of the matrilineal fang clan. His involvement in everything is insignificant.

Naga is from the dragon clan. He has history with Vampir regarding his eye.

Vampir is from the healer clan. He has shaman powers, and he tends to get a little intense.

Bulan is from the moon clan. The moon clan is in the northernmost island, and the members tend to be known for their beauty. He is crazy about Roro.

Safir is the chief of the jewel clan. He currently rules as co-king with Rej.

Rej is the chief of the healer clan and rules as co-king with Safir.

Story & Thoughts

This volume starts off with the prequel story of Harto and Metthew’s relationship. There is a little of that in volume one, but this is an expanded version. It shows what their lives living together are like at college before the tournament. It covers their growing pains as friends from different cultures, and how their relationship goes from friends to something more romantic.

After that the story jumps forward to after the events of the tournament. It addresses all the couples formed as a result of the tournament. We see how they are doing, and what progress they have made in their relationships.

Much like the first book, this one is sweet and funny. Even the stories for the characters I don’t like as much are enjoyable to read. Surprisingly, though, this volume actually has a lot more “action” than the first. There is no tournament in this one, but there is more erotic content than there was in the competition.

I think Taring got cheated in both books. In the first one, he is out in what is basically a preliminary match. In this one, he only gets a few pages. His love story is also a bit of a let down, and probably one of the only truly creepy ones in the series.

Dick Fight Island, Vol. 1

Dick Fight Island, Vol. 1 by Reibun Ike
Series Name: Dick Fight Island
Genres: Action, BL, Comedy, Erotica, Romance
Intended Age Group: Mature
Publisher: SuBLime/Libre
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-9747-1720-0
Rating: 5/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble RightStuf ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

The tournament to choose the next king of the islands is about to begin. The rules are simple – whoever comes first loses!
Participating warriors protect their mighty swords with armor that grows larger and more elaborate with each tournament. But one warrior has returned from studying abroad with a technique certain to force a pleasurable eruption! Is there a competitor alive able to withstand it? Or is this deft warrior destined to become king?!

Personal & Info

I see adds for this everywhere, so I had to order it and see what the fuss is all about. Apparently it’s highly recommended by Barnes and Noble employees as well as people across the internet.

There’s a color image of all the contestants in the front. There’s also a page introducing them all by name that tells you which island they are from, with one or two extra details. The pictures on the character page are all close ups of the penis armor they each wear. It’s silly to see, but I’m glad it’s there.


Harto is the main character. He’s from the jewel clan, and he attends college abroad. Matthew is his roommate.

Pisau is from the sun clan, which specializes in fishing. He trains for the tournament with Yudha.

Roro is chief of the earth clan. He has emotional history regarding Rej.

Yudha is from the warrior clan. Yudha has a crush on Pisau.

Taring is the son of the leader of the matrilineal fang clan. He is the youngest in the competition because his clan doesn’t produce many men.

Naga is from the dragon clan. He has history with Vampir regarding his eye.

Vampir is from the healer clan. He has shaman powers.

Bulan is from the moon clan. The moon clan is in the northernmost island, and the members tend to be known for their beauty. Bulan has a thing for chief Roro.

Safir is the chief of the jewel clan. He currently rules as co-king with Rej.

Rej is the chief of the healer clan and rules as co-king with Safir.

Matthew Manami is Harto’s roommate from college abroad.

Story & Thoughts

The story is simple and erotic, but also sweet, and overall silly. The Pulau Yang Indah archipelago islands host a rather unusual tournament every four years to determine their king. There are eight islands, and each nominates a warrior to represent them. The goal is to make your opponent ejaculate first. Because of this odd tradition, the contestants wear revealing, but elaborate, armor to protect their genitals.

Despite the unique and erotic premise, the book is actually captivating and romantic, if you don’t mind dubious consent. There are descriptions and details about each of the islands and their individual cultures, as well as the characters themselves. Each character has their own backstory and their own romance. I think the quote from Reibun Ike at the end of the book describes it best: “This is a battle manga, but also a heartwarming story.”

There is censorship, but it doesn’t cover much. It’s the black bar kind, but they’re more like solid gray bars. Usually they just cut the dick in half as if they aren’t allowed to show the full shaft, but sometimes they don’t use it at all. I think it depends how much detail is in the picture.

The biggest complaint I see going around about the book is that the citizens of the archipelago apparently don’t know what a prostate or anal sex is. It sounds ridiculous, but that’s the point. It’s part of the humor, and not everyone is ignorant about it. There are characters who do know about it. It’s just the ones who are inexperienced or never thought of trying something like that who don’t know about it. Just roll with it, it’s not meant to be taken seriously.

I absolutely love this book. It’s hilarious and sexy. Few books make me laugh as much as this one does.

Yagi the Bookshop Goat

Yagi the Bookshop Goat by Fumi Furukawa
Genres: BL, Fantasy
Intended Age Group: 18+
Publisher: Tokyopop
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-4278-6889-3
Rating: 4/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble RightStuf ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

Yagi is a rare sort of goat – one who loves reading books just as much as eating them! With his special talent to taste feelings contained upon paper, he’s always dreamed of becoming a bookseller. Unfortunately paper-munching goats aren’t exactly welcome in bookstores, even in a wonderful world where all different animals live in peaceful coexistence.

Eventually, Yagi is able to persuade Ookami, the strict wolf manager, into giving him a job at his bookshop… but can a goat surrounded by books resist his natural instincts? And what about the instincts of the a wolf, who’s been charmed by a sweet and tender goat?

Personal & Info

I hear Tokyopop is releasing some good yaoi/BL stuff, and this is a stand alone manga, so I figure it’s a good one to try.  I have The Cat Proposed for the same reason, and I have to say, neither of them are disappointing. Two out of two fairly current Tokyopop BL manga, and I like them both. I’ll have to look into getting more.


Yagi, obviously, the goat.

Ookami, the wolf, and store manager.

Chita, a cheetah girl who appears to be one of Yagi’s best friends. She works at the bookshop.

Shimafukurou, a Blakiston’s fish owl, and an employee at the bookshop.

Kuma-sensei, an author of children’s books. He stops at the shop frequently.

I adore the character designs in this book. Everyone is so cute. My only disappointment is, I don’t think we ever get to see Chita’s tail, even though she is frequently shown.

Story & Thoughts

The story starts off rather quick. It’s fast paced throughout, but it’s a stand alone story, so that’s to be expected.

The story itself is simple, and I think it progresses seemingly unnaturally fast, or unrealistically in some ways. Basically, it’s the type of story where neither knows how the other feels, so they both decide to do nothing until they know more, but their secret love of the other makes them do things normal friends or coworkers wouldn’t normally do.

There’s nothing surprising about the story, either. There’s a backstory involving Yagi and Ookami, but it’s so blatantly obvious to the reader that there is no mystery. Even Ookami knows, so it seems Yagi is the only one truly in the dark about anything. If I were rating on story alone, the score would likely be lower. However, I think it deserves a four out of five, because it’s so darn cute and funny.

I was smiling and giggling the whole way. The character designs, facial expressions, and their interactions are all amazing. The occasional chibi style parts are great, too. The image on the back cover is a good example. I’d love a bookmark or something with that on it.

There are two erotic scenes in the book. This manga does have censoring, though. Instead of the black bars or blurring, it uses the bright light method. You know, the kind where they place a ball of light at the tip or covering the whole thing. There are some panels where it looks like Yagi doesn’t even have a penis.

The Cat Proposed

The Cat Proposed by Dento Hayane
Genres: BL, Fantasy
Intended Age Group: 16 & up
Publisher: Tokyopop
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 9781427867483
Rating: 4/5
Amazon Barnes & Noble RightStuf ThriftBooks

Description from the Book

Matoi Souta is an overworked salaryman tired of his life. On his way home from a long day of work one day, he decides to watch a traditional Japanese play. But something strange happens…He could have sworn one of the actors had cat ears!

It turns out that the man is actually a bakeneko – a shapeshifting cat from Japanese folklore. And then, the cat speaks: “Starting today, you’ll be my mate!”

Personal & Info

I heard Tokyopop has been releasing some good yaoi/BL stuff, and this is a stand alone manga, so I got it to try. This was at the top of my list when I decided to make my blog. I was too tired to read it for a while, so I mostly just flipped through it on occasion until I got around to it. I love the artwork.

The color picture in the front is the same as the cover image for the first chapter, but they have subtle differences. For example, the shape of Souta’s eyes, and Kihachi’s smile shows teeth in the color image, but has none in the black and white image. Kihachi’s fingers also look different between the two. I think one of them was a redraw. I have no issue with this, it was just something interesting I noticed.


There are four significant characters in this book. Kihachi is the cat. He’s the dark haired guy on the cover. I both loved and hated his design at first. After reading, it’s just love now. I’m pretty sure he’s my favorite character in the book, too. Kihachi loves stories, and is a professional story teller. The synopsis is a little misleading, because it’s worded to make it sound like Souta finds him at a play. It’s not a play, and there are no other actors, it’s a story telling event.

Souta is the overworked guy wearing a tie on the cover. Overworked is an understatement when describing Souta. Contemplating death to get some sleep is pretty extreme. He’s basically worked himself into the ground and didn’t realize it because adrenaline was keeping him going. I thought he was the cat character at a glance, because he’s the one doing a cat pose. He’s just a kind and shy dude. The tie should have given him away as the overworked salaryman.

Yamabuki a.k.a The Ryokan Cat, is a nosey bakeneko with two different colored ears.

Kikkyou is an eccentric old bakeneko lady.

Story & Thoughts

I hadn’t heard of a bakeneko before, but I certainly wasn’t expecting a human sized bipedal cat. The description certainly did not imply that. If you already know what a bakeneko is, it’s likely not a surprise. If you don’t, the book does explain it. However, the bakeneko have their human ears at the same time as their cat ears, that’s pretty weird. They have interesting traditions for interspecies marriages, though. I think Souta is slightly permanently altered from the experience. I can’t think of any other reason a human would be able to literally purr.

The story was cute. It’s an adorable tale of finding love unexpectedly. Each chapter is a “story” so there is no solid time table to know how long they were together between each. This also makes it feel like it progressed quicker, even though it’s paced quickly already.

There are some forward thinking ideals mentioned early on (good things), like gender/sex being insignificant for mate choice, and thinking of people for who they are instead of what they are. It also touches on encouraging a healthy balance between life and work. As someone who lives in America, the toxic work ethic hits a bit close to home.

This isn’t really a spoiler as much as it is pointing out a trope. There’s a lack of communication that causes most of the drama. For various reasons, both characters neglect to tell each other what is really important. If you don’t like stories that use that trope, this probably isn’t for you.

I came across the word bakemono in chapter 5. I wasn’t sure if it was a typo or not, so I looked it up. It was not a typo. It means a state of transformation or shapeshifting. So, in case anyone else wondered.

There’s a bonus chapter in the back called, “The Story of Their First Night Together.” It’s not long, and I think it belongs sandwiched somewhere in chapter seven. It’s an intimate scene, but it doesn’t show anything graphic. It has a lot of sexual implications and heavy breathing. The rest of the book doesn’t have anything like that. It’s the only scene you get for anything past kissing.

The image of the tuxedo cat and the sparrow on the back cover makes a lot of sense after reading the book.