Tesla Note, Vol. 1

Tesla Note, Vol. 1 by Masafumi Nishida, Tadayoshi Kubo, Kota Sannomiya
Series Name: Tesla Note
Genres: Action, Adventure, Espionage, Sci-Fi
Intended Age Group: Teen
Publisher: Kodansha
Edition: ebook
ISBN: 9781636994512
Rating: 2/5
Amazon Barnes&Noble BookWalker


Botan Negoro is the seventeen year old heir to the Negoro ninja clan. She’s been trained to be the ultimate intelligence agent, and it’s time for her to help save the world with her assigned partner, Kuruma. It’s up to the two of them to retrieve the Tesla Fragments before they can be used for evil.

Personal & Info

This is another ebook I got for free from a BookWalker sale. At the time I’m typing this, the book appears to be available as digital only.


Botan Negoro is the leading lady. She’s seventeen, and has gone her entire life without standing out or making any friends due to her ninja training. She seems to like to talk a lot, and is enthusiastic about her job, as well as trying new foods.

Jingo Negoro, Botan’s grandfather, is the thirty-second head of the Negoro ninja clan. He trained her to be the best intelligence officer possible. He also appears to be the honorary president of the spy agency.

Kyohei’s position is not directly stated, but I think he is the team’s handler.

Kuruma is Botan’s assigned partner. He is proud of having an exceptional amount of muscle for his physique, even if he doesn’t look outwardly muscular. His personality is self-confident and rude, specifically to Botan.

Ryunosuke’s position is not directly stated, but I get the impression he is the information guy, or the man in the chair, as some might call it. He sits in front of a bank of computers and gives the team the information they need to do their job.

Director Toriumi seems to run the spy agency, but Botan’s grandfather has final say over him.

Story & Thoughts

The publisher description doesn’t really grab me, but the way it’s explained in the manga is more interesting. It seems like the official description doesn’t want to explain much or risk being too wordy. I like the concept more after reading the book.

Basically, Nikola Tesla, the scientist, invented many things that were too advanced for his era, so he decided to hide them away in crystals. In one hundred years time, the crystals would unlock, and hopefully the world would be ready for them. As an extra safeguard, the crystals were scattered, so no one could gather them easily. Ownership of all the crystals could give one person enough power to potentially take over the world. It is these crystals Botan and Kuruma must gather to prevent disaster. The crystal for this volume is a machine that can teleport things.

After getting a good grasp of the concept and seeing the characters explain it, I like it. It’s a cool idea. However, I don’t think the execution is as good as it could be. The story comes off as a bit dull to me. I can tell it tries to put in some action and thrilling elements, but it just doesn’t grab me. I feel no inclination to want to read more volumes. It’s likely fine and might get better, but I just don’t have the interest to find out.

The characters are great, though. Botan and Kuruma are full of energy and personality. They do well to pull you in. The rest need more volumes to get some depth. I can see the series possibly digging into Kyohei and Ryunosuke later. It looks like they try to a little bit toward the end when everyone moves into their base house.