The Apothecary Diaries, Vol. 3

The Apothecary Diaries, Vol. 3 by Natsu Hyuuga, Nekokurage, Itsuki Nanao, Touco Shino
Series Name: The Apothecary Diaries (Manga)
Genres: Drama, Historical, Mystery, Romance
Intended Age Group: Teen
Publisher: Square Enix
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-64609-072-3
Rating: 4/5
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Description from the Book

After putting on a successful and sensual (?) show of food tasting at the garden banquet, Maomao is the talk of the palace! But she soon discovers that notoriety isn’t the only thing the party has granted her! Her collection of hairpins from the event brings the young herbalist a brief window of freedom beyond the palace walls, as she returns to the pleasure district for the first time in nearly a year! But while reunions with her father and her friends await, so too does another mystery…

Personal & Info

I bought this at the same time as volume two, because I didn’t want to have to wait to keep reading, like I did after volume one. Four wasn’t out at the time. I love this series, and can’t get enough of it.


Maomao’s character is building nicely. We see more sides of her in each book as new problems present themselves and she flexes her brain. Apparently, bluffing is in her skillset, but knowing how to read people, not so much.

Jinshi seems to be full of mystery. We’re getting tiny bits of information about him at seemingly random times.

Li Haku gives Maomao a hairpin in volume two. He does her a favor in this book, and is hardly seen. He is both significant and not, more like a plot device to keep things moving in the direction Maomao wants to go.

We see Maomao’s Pa in this volume. I don’t think the book gives us a name for him. He seems like a kind old man, always teaching his daughter the family business whenever opportunity arises. It’s obvious where Maomao gets her apothecary talent from.

Story & Thoughts

Maomao’s friend Xiaolan explains the use of the hairpins from the garden banquet. She apparently doesn’t do a good job and oversimplifies it, though, because the context of everyone else’s reactions implies something far more romantic than Maomao has in mind. Li Haku is the only guy from outside the inner court she has a pin from, so he is unanimously the man whom Maomao asks a favor.

Most of the story for this volume takes place in the pleasure district during Maomao’s visit home. Two people get poisoned in a closed room of one of the brothels, and though unnecessary, Maomao speculates what happened to cause it. It appears to be well planned, with Maomao herself being the only unexpected factor. This section feels very similar to a Detective Conan episode.

We see Maomao do a lot of smart and successful things in the series, so I think what we don’t realize is she is always learning. She is trained in her craft, but there are still things she doesn’t know, or overlooks. Her father is still better at the job than she is, and he is constantly helping her learn. Maomao sees him for the first time in ten months, and he automatically tries to teach her by quizzing her to help her hone her craft. While she is smart, and has much success under her belt, she is still capable of making mistakes and missing details.

I think we actually get to see Jinshi be jealous, how surprising. It’s becoming unclear how he sees Maomao. At first, the story implies she’s essentially a toy for his amusement, but now it’s hard to be sure. He clearly cares for her in some way, though it’s not clear if it’s romantic or not. Her chastity seems to matter to him, but is she a toy or a crush? Only time will tell.