The Apothecary Diaries, Vol. 4

The Apothecary Diaries, Vol. 4 by Natsu Hyuuga, Nekokurage, Itsuki Nanao, Touco Shino
Series Name: The Apothecary Diaries (Manga)
Genres: Drama, Historical, Mystery, Romance
Intended Age Group: Teen
Publisher: Square Enix
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-64609-073-0
Rating: 4/5
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Description from the Book

The trail of the garden banquet poisoner leads Maomao to the Garnet Palace! Aiming to uncover the identity and motives of the culprit who nearly succeeded in turning the festivities into a tragedy, the young apothecary-turned-lady’s maid temporarily takes up there at Jinshi’s behest. Home to Lady Aduo – the consort with the longest tenure in the Emperor’s affections – the Garnet Palace harbors many intrigues, some more shocking than even Maomao could have imagined! Will solving the mystery at hand lose Maomao her job…and maybe even her life?!

Personal & Info

This series is going strong for quality. I love Maomao. The story is great, and every volume makes me laugh.


Maomao’s life takes some turns in this volume.

Jinshi and Gao Shun seem important in each volume. Jinshi is a main character, and Gao Shun is his aide, so they are always around.

Xiaolan seems briefly present in each volume to pass gossip to Maomao that forwards the story or gives her insight she isn’t already aware of.

We learn more about Lishu and Aduo, some facts, and some speculation.

Luomen, we finally have a name for Maomao’s dad. This volume addresses some of the mystery behind his time at the inner court. We got brief implications in previous volumes that he may have been there.

Fengming is the head lady-in-waiting at the Garnet Palace. It would be hard for Maomao to visit and not associate with her.

Story & Thoughts

It’s two months after the garden banquet, and the investigation into who the poisoner is, is coming to a close. Approximately half the book is spent on this investigation. I think this volume has the most intrigue, so far.

Jinshi seems to be trying to turn Maomao into a detective. The favor he asks in this book has absolutely nothing to do with her apothecary skills. I think he just values her opinion and likes to test her.

The gross gossip about the tastes of the previous Emperor from volume two comes up again. As disgusting as it is, it’s only used in Maomao’s speculations. Nothing inappropriate is shown. If the sheer mention of this stuff offended you in volume two, you might be displeased to come across the subject again here.

There are some deeper mysteries going on around a few characters and their histories. All we have to go on are some observations and speculations from Maomao about possibilities. There’s no evidence or information to truly support any of it. Her speculations do make sense, though, so it makes me wonder if we’ll find out the truth later.

Maomao and Jinshi have some sweeter moments in this volume. Two are for sure sweet, but there is also one where I’m not sure if he’s flirting or tormenting. Maomao finds amusing ways to get revenge against him for torment now. Their relationship, whatever kind it is, has seen a lot of growth up to this point. I’m curious to see how it will continue to develop.

Maomao should probably speak her mind more often. The things she neglects to say seem to be things she should actually say.

Someone should do something about Lishu’s ladies. I can’t help feeling sorry for her.

I haven’t said this in other reviews, but I love the bonus comics in the back. They tend to have scenes that are extended parts from events that happen in the book, and they are always funny.