The Apothecary Diaries, Vol. 5

The Apothecary Diaries, Vol. 5 by Natsu Hyuuga, Nekokurage, Itsuki Nanao, Touco Shino
Series Name: The Apothecary Diaries (Manga)
Genres: Drama, Historical, Mystery, Romance
Intended Age Group: Teen
Publisher: Square Enix
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-64609-074-7
Rating: 3.5/5
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Description from the Book

Forced to the leave the Inner Court, Maomao finds herself in the employ of none other than Jinshi, the seemingly ever-present thorn in her side. Immune to her new master’s charms, Maomao instead sets her mind to her work and to learning the ways of the Outer Court, where government ministers and military officers go about the daily business of running the country. Far from being fearful of her new surroundings, however, Maomao has her insatiable curiosity piqued by the forbidden, soldier-occupied East Wing. And when yet another mystery beckons, Maomao is unable to resist…

Personal & Info

At this point, I’m most definitely hooked on the series. I tried to buy this volume on release at my small local bookstore, because I prefer to shop there when possible, but someone had already taken it by the time I went. I had to wait a couple weeks for more copies to come in.


Maomao has a new job, in a new place, with new bullies. Women always seem angry because of her presence, even though she makes the extra effort to look bland and scrawny.

Jinshi and Gao Shun come and go. Jinshi appears to be very busy, but he still makes time to be nosy.

Suiren is Jinshi’s head maid. She is in her fifties, and apparently tends Jinshi’s residence by herself.

Ba Sen is a military officer Gao Shun assigns to escorting Maomao in this volume. I have some suspicions about him. I won’t say what they are in case they prove to be correct.

Li Haku, the soldier whom originally gives Maomao a hairpin in volume two , is around. The military quarters is not far from where she works.

Loulan is the new Pure Consort. We know nothing about her, but my impressions are she is aloof, bored, and indifferent. She is the same age as Maomao.

Lakan is a tactician whom apparently visits Jinshi regularly, despite Jinshi’s distain for the man. I have a feeling he is a story villain getting his introduction. He certainly does not sound like a good person.

Story & Thoughts

Maomao starts her new job in the Outer Court. She is back to being a maid, because she fails an aptitude test, and it’s apparently hard to get back into the Inner court after you are let go. She does briefly get to go back as a teacher for a day, though. That part is rather amusing.

The first mystery of the volume is in the third chapter. The first two chapters consist of Maomao getting comfortable in her new position, and fulfilling a request to teach a class for the Principal Consorts in the Inner Court. The last three out of five chapters all have their own individual mysteries to solve, only one of which involves poison of any kind. The series definitely has that Detective Conan/Case Closed vibe comfortably established.

I keep thinking Maomao should speak her mind more, but then she does, and it gets her into trouble. Maybe she needs to learn what to say out loud, and what not to, instead.

I keep forgetting to say it, but I love how Maomao is always portrayed as a cat.

Maomao is absolutely obsessed with the caterpillar fungus Jinshi presented her upon buying out her contract. She keeps circling back to it with renewed excitement after work and mysteries are complete. It makes her so happy to think about, that she accidentally smiles full on at Jinshi, and it appears to be a traumatic experience for him, considering the way their relationship works.

Lakan leaves us with a bit of a cliff hanger. He chooses not to finish telling his story, and instead implies Jinshi should ask Maomao for answers. This certainly can’t lead to anything good. I’m almost positive Lakan is going to be a new villain for the story.

This volume feels like a slight dip in rating, but it’s understandable because Maomao is in a new place and meeting new people. I’m sure it will find a good rhythm again once everyone important has their introduction done.