The Apothecary Diaries, Vol. 6

The Apothecary Diaries, Vol. 6 by Natsu Hyuuga, Nekokurage, Itsuki Nanao, Touco Shino
Series Name: The Apothecary Diaries (Manga)
Genres: Drama, Historical, Mystery, Romance
Intended Age Group: Teen
Publisher: Square Enix
Edition: Paperback 
ISBN: 978-1-64609-086-0
Rating: 5/5
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Description from the Book

When the ever-luminous Jinshi asks for her help in disguising himself to see to a matter beyond the palace walls, Maomao must dig deep to mar her employer’s divine allure! And to make the ploy believable, Maomao herself is roped into a spot of theater right alongside her master. But the “business” at hand takes the pair right to the gates of the Pleasure District, leaving Maomao to wonder if all her hard work has been for a mere assignation or if there’s yet another mystery afoot…

Personal & Info

I made sure to get this one on release day this time. No repeats of what happened with volume five. I’m going to try to get them quick every time.

Every volume I am reminded how beautiful the art is. The cover image, the gorgeous color page at the start, and all the panels, seeing them fresh with a new volume makes me feel like Maomao when she sees a rare medicinal plant. If this ever gets an anime, I really hope they live up to the art of the manga.


Maomao is still her eccentric amusing self. She makes me love the series so much. We learn some important details about her.

Jinshi is as important as ever, and he sees a face on Maomao he hopes he never sees again. No spoilers. Make of that what you will.

Lakan, the “odd duck” tactician always pestering Jinshi. We learn a lot more of his significance.

Other characters from the previous book are also present, but they don’t play significant roles.

Story & Thoughts

This volume is amazing. There are so many huge story bombs being dropped, some suspected, others not. Events from the entire series so far culminate to a climax so enthralling, I hung on every panel. I am so upset I have to wait until December for the next book.

Any-who, this one starts off funny. As the synopsis says, Maomao is asked to change Jinshi’s appearance. She has a little too much fun with it, but totally worth every second.

Seeing Jinshi shirtless for the first time is…well, let’s just say I’m not complaining.

Jinshi works his way around to asking Maomao the question Lakan wouldn’t answer. There appear to be all kinds of motives and strings all over that. It’s cruel of Lakan to have Jinshi ask, but I understand from a storytelling perspective.

As far as mystery goes, I think there’s only one in this volume. The whole thing encompasses one solid plot. There are some small questions and curiosities throughout, but definitely just the one big mystery as far as I can tell.

I want more information on Maomao’s nightmare. There has to be more information coming on that in later volumes. I will be surprised if there is not.

There’s sort of a cliff hanger ending. It’s not a blatant cliff hanger. It’s more of a dramatic, “okay, crisis over, now what,” kind of thing. I hate that I have to wait to see what happens next, but it could be far worse.